MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Boromir's guess the famous game #415 [Th...

Boromir's guess the famous game #415 [Thaddeus Stevens is the famous person, hownos wins!]

I'm thinking of some famous figure, it can be a philosopher, politician, entertainer, scientist, fictional character, criminal, animal, being, etc.
2. You need to ask me a yes or no question about this person, for example, "Is the person still alive?," "Does the person work in the entertainment industry?," any question you can think of that helps you to reveal the answer. The host answers with yes or no only.
3. Maximum 1 question and 2 guesses per player per answer.
4. The winner can either start a new game or say "pass." In case of a pass, the OP gets to start another.
5. Can't edit a question or guess once posted. Delete ONLY.

List of mystery persons

1: Fictional? No
2: Male? Yes
3: Born before 1900? Yes
4: Born in the Western hemisphere? Yes
5: Born in Europe? No
6: Writer? No
7: Born in America? Yes
8: Died in 20th century? No
9: Entertainer? No
10: Socialist or Communist? No
11: Born before 1800? Yes
12: Painter? No
13: Ben Franklin? No
14: Participated in American War of Independence? No
15: Politician? Yes
16: Black? No
17: Native American? No
18: James Madison? No
19: Born 1780-1799? Yes
20: Died after 1800? Yes
21: A president? No
22: Martin Van Buren? No
23: Senator? No
24: John C. Calhoun? No
25: Cabinet member? No
26: Participated in Mexican-American War? No
27: Confederate? No
28: Born in New York? No
29: Died a natural death? Yes
30: English his mother tongue? Yes
31: Governor? No
32: Criminal? No
33: Supreme Court justice? No
34: Vice president? No
35: Involved in the civil war? Not in the military sense, but was a major public figure during that time period and was definitely relevant to it
36: Served as a mayor? No
37: Congressman? Yes
38: Born 1780-1790? No
39: Born 1791 to 1795? Yes
40: Born 1791-1793? Yes

Hownos wins with Thaddeus Stevens, Radical Republican abolitionist who was one of the major leaders of the struggle against the Southern slaveholder class and against racism and inequality in general in the mid-19th century. He advocated not only that the Confederacy be destroyed but that the land owned by the slaveholders be redistributed to the freedmen in order to eliminate the economic basis of the racist order in the South. Since his death he spent generations being demonized by neo-Confederates, until in more recent decades since the fall of Jim Crow he has increasingly been reappraised as a positive figure, a pioneering leader in the struggle against oppression and inequality. I personally consider him one of the greatest men of the 19th century. He was famously portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones in the 2012 movie "Lincoln".

nyctc7 - 90
hownos - 75
Boromir - 56
Kawada_Kira - 46
LauraGrace - 40
Carrot - 40
cyberbob - 31
tcrum - 18
capuchin - 7
sslssg - 3
lud - 2
Bloodshot77 - 2
bellington83 - 2
StoneKeeper - 1
FredBurroughs - 1
estcst - 1






born before 1900?


Born Western hemisphere?


Born in Europe?




born in america?


Died in 20th century?
