
tcrum (30327)


Great Live Songs. Favorite Live Hair Band Performances. God I Miss the Obama days. Beyonce is Mariah Carey without the great hook songs. Songs that move you. One guy copying 54 singers. Weirdest funniest thing ever. Here's the best rapper, it's not Stonekeeper. View all posts >


i'm watching Blair Witch, I've never seen it. I think You'll like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa72g-3PSz8 Really a skeleton is our end........this is so bad...3/10 God I hope they start shooting soon. I'd like to see a women...Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton...all men do is fight. I couldn't care less what party our next president is from. I just want someone I respect, and who I think cares about America. Is that too much to ask. I was thinking it was strange we hadn't done a movie with her too. I'm getting Biden hate ads it must be getting closer to election time. Ah just searched not available. Ok I added it, Dr Phibes rise again? View all replies >