MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > For those of us in the northern hemisphe...

For those of us in the northern hemisphere

Will you choose to wear a mask this winter ?

I work with the public and it was really nice to not catch a cold or flu last year.

I think I'm gonna wear one.


I wear a mask any time I go inside in a public place and have done so since Covid started. I do not wear one outside.


We have to wear a mask here when inside a store or business.


When I’m in enclosed spaces, yes.


As long as COVID is a danger to anyone in my area, and as long as my job continues to expose me to above-average levels of risk, I will mask up, avoid crowds, clean my hands, and do my best to get a booster vaccine shot.

So should everyone else.


I’m due a booster soon 👍


We are probably all due for a booster, this might become an annual thing


Hopefully we'll only need booster shots for a little while, pandemic viruses are constantly mutating with so many hosts to breed in, and they tend to get more lethal at first, as we're seeing now, and then less lethal. The H1N1 influenza virus that killed upwards of 50 million people 100 years ago became just another strain of the flus that came around every winter, and maybe in time, COVID-19 will mutate and weaken until it's just another strain of coronavirus that causes the common cold.

Or maybe we'll grow old getting annual flu-and-coronavirus vaccines, who knows.


I certainly don't know much about any of it, I'll just do what the doctors and scientific experts suggest


It's always a good plan to trust the doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, and other experts, and not random schmucks on Youtube who tell you what you want to hear.


Some of these loonies are taking horse medicine...Horse medicine!

Too many witch doctors and idiots out there, it's natural selection by God smh🙄


> It's always a good plan to trust the doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, and other experts

I just saw a news report that nearly all the physicians in the US are vaccinated -- either 95% or 97%, don't recall which. That says it all about what they think of the vaccines.


It also tells you what kind of risks they're running.


I get a flu jab booster annually. I can definitely see this becoming a 2 for 1 thing in the future.


I can see both the COVID-19 and the flu vaccine doses eventually being recommended annually. Most likely this will be permanent.


Pre Covid I traveled a lot and was constantly getting jabbed for Malaria, Yellow Fever, Typhoid etc, so a couple more won’t hurt, eh?


No. It's better than getting sick.


I’m sure there are some that will accuse me of being a sheeple or whatever, but I quite enjoy being alive.



Haven't stopped wearing a mask in situations where it's appropriate. And will continue to do so throughout winter, when avoiding 'flu and colds will be an added bonus.


Yes, when recommended. I've been to Sam's Club, Costco, Target, Walgreens and Wendy's recently and all of these places still prefer that customers wear masks. It's not mandatory, but a request. I have no problem with this, and will respect their wishes.


It's the rule in NYC, I can't go into work or a store without a mask

I too work with the public and it seems like NOBODY got a cold or flu in the last year and a half, no kidding


I'm ok with mask wearing. But I'm noticing increasing numbers not bothering and I'll probably stop when the requests to do so disappear.
