MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Well well, weed's mainsteam momentum is ...

Well well, weed's mainsteam momentum is building in Canada and some of the states

But will all the potheads who've been screaming for legalization for decades really be happy that it will just be another product to make some boomers even fucking richer?


Im not a 'boomer' nor a pothead
Just a regular joe
I say a bit of weed would be fun a few times a that bad in your opinion?


Tell that to the Mom whose baby had its face burned off because the engineer of the train she was on was high on your precious grass.


That was stupid and it made no sense dummy...what burned a kids face off now??
Weed will be legal soon and it wont be a prob... But please continue to hide under your shed...WE'LL all be safer you weirdo


So no more cocaine...the adicts found something else and it's legal.I read that in some countries marijuana is used as if you are sick,take some'll feel better😉
