MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 00s > Name some things you do or don't like a...

Name some things you do or don't like about the 00s.

I will say in the early 00s everything seem cool it still had that 90s feel. Music was great still, TV, and etc. I'm fine with change I don't mind it I know it was a new decade but it seem like after about 2004 it started to seem there was to much change. Especially with technology I mean everytime I turn around there was this phone that was popular and then the next year that phone was out and this phone was in. I just thought it got to ridiculous. Its like CDs took the backseat and now its all about i-tunes, and etc.


Early 2000s was still based largely on physical media. Even VHS was still around though declining rapidly. As you said, CDs were still mainstream (and not dead yet! I still buy the occasional CD. I prefer having a physical copy).

Have you played Atari today?


I thought the fashion and celeb stunts to get in the news.
