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IRS Using AI To Target Middle Class

IRS Using AI To Target Middle Class

"What we have learned is that the IRS, in fact, has been using AI to access bank accounts of American citizens"

"Without any kind of search warrant"

"This was something that was just discovered by an undercover journalist"

"What they found is that the IRS has claimed that they have access to every single person's bank account"

PS :
So all those conspiracy theorist who said
things like get your money out of US banks
were right? Damn their batting average is
getting better all the time.


That doesn't sound like anything different from a typical creditor judgement. Tenant skipped out after not paying rent for 3 months, Landlord goes to small claims court, Tenant doesn't appear, Landlord gets Judgement for $xxx dollars, sells it to collections agency for $x dollars...


Since when can a collections agency see your bank transactions without a warrant?


They're not looking at your "bank transactions." If you've got a judgement and a check that debtor hasn't closed the bank account you can take your money. Now, the deal with large-ish cash deposits in your bank (I think this came from The Patriot Act 2002 +/-) is a whole nuther ball of wax... I have this one bank for a property where I deposit 2-3k every month and I have to show my drivers license every time I deposit, this has been going on for 6+ years, once I showed a drivers license that was expired (I misplace stuff all the time) and they wouldn't make the deposit, I had to come back with the new license... CYA is out of control everywhere...


I believe it.. When I did my taxes at HR Block, I had the taxes I owed taken out of my savings account 3 days after I did the them.. Checks get lost in the mail folks and it's a little easier this way


HR Block/Intuit is a rip-off and they should be broken up in an antitrust suit. Google "Enrolled Agent Tax Preparer" they'll do it for a fraction of the price.


So you're saying it's time to make my mortgage disappear?
