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Tucker Carlson confirms he is in Russia to interview Vladimir Putin

Which US media showed this promo? Who will show the interview? Will youtube take it down?

The Telegraph

The former Fox News broadcaster shared a video on Twitter filmed in the country’s capital, following days of speculation.


Cool, real journalism!


"Mr. Putin, why are you so wonderful"?


Europinions... lol.


By "Europinions" do you mean "Person from Europe giving an opinion"?

I didn't call Tucker Carlson a traitor.


"Mr. Putin, is it true you laugh at Joe Biden when he's in your presence and find him weak and fragile as fuck??" "I was simply asking for Donald Trump who's a soon to be GOP Nominee to beat Old Joe in November"


Putin obviously thinks Trump is the worst choice for USA
hence attempting , and failing , to influence the election.


So you finally admit the 2020 Election was fixed, right??


Not sure how that was any sort of admission at all


Basically he admitted Putin meddled in the 2020 Election as pretty much any sane individual would excluding you


"Meddle" as in *attempting* to influence. Foreign powers spreading propaganda doesn't constitute the election itself being "fixed".

So no, he made no such admission. It does not mean the US electoral process was "fixed".


You're a very gullible Zoomer


And how am I gullible?


Tucuck: Your honorable supreme leader Poutine, it is great to finally meet you. The FBI/CIA were up on my ass keeping me from meeting you but I showed them.

Poutine: Velly gud Tucuck, I am glad you are finally here to talk about my side of the argument. If Hitler had someone like you on their side, WW2 would look so different than today. You are a man not to be trifled with.

Tucuck: Your words of praise mean so much to me maste... maestro. Please tell me, why is Ukraine full of Nazis? I thought we defeated them all during WW2.

Poutine: Privet. They have turned into woke mob. They combine marxist communism with nazism. There was a time when US and Soviet Russia used to be allies, working together to wipe out nazism but your side has changed, they become to like nazi like they do with Ukraine and Israel. I hope you can see the light and Make Russ... err America Great Again and stop nazism all over the world.

Tucuck: You are so right. The left have gone crazy to start supporting Nazis again as they did in the past to own slaves. I hope we can work together as friends and maybe future allies to stem the hate from the left and end nazism for good, starting with Ukraine then free Gaza.

Poutine: Dun worry my little sputnik, you will be the star of this great revitalization of our two countries. Our citizens love you and say you would be the better president of the two if you decide to run. I must say I agree with them, you are far younger and much wiser. A journalist job is no way to treat such talent.

Tucuck: Hahaha, I will have to think on that. I just want to make Russ. err America great again first.

Poutine: You have a safe trip home. No falling out windows for you.

Tucuck: HAIL HYDRA!!


good job on getting the interview transcript. Does the word Nazi mean anything anymore in this current political climate?


Republicans love and support Trump’s BFF Putin who is a dictator, former commie present kleptocrat, former KGB spy who vowed to destroy the U.S..

Trump said he wants the U.S. economy to crash.
Trump supports a weak national defense.
Trump supports illegal border crossings.


Are you euro-propagandist number 6?

Your propagandist methods are similar to the other five.


"Putin interview with Tucker Carlson shows Kremlin outreach to Trump’s GOP

Putin’s government also has crushed free speech, banned any public expression of LGBTQ+ identity and jailed hundreds of antiwar activists, critics, feminists, lawyers and cultural figures for speaking out.

Pro-Trump Republicans are a natural ally for Putin on LGBTQ+ and other issues but also because the Kremlin has long sought to exploit divisions in American society and interfere in U.S. politics, including through the use of internet troll farms.

“Carlson is smart and his agenda is clear. He and Putin will work together brilliantly to reinforce the false narrative about Ukraine, weaken Biden, and strengthen Trump,” Janis Kluge, a Berlin-based Russia analyst, wrote about the likely U.S. presidential rematch. “This co-production of theirs may be the most effective and toxic propaganda clip yet created.”

Carlson labeled Western media as “corrupt” and accused them of lies on Tuesday in a video confirming that he was in Moscow for a Q&A with the president.

Carlson’s assertion was astonishing, given that two journalists who are U.S. citizens are now jailed in Russia: Evan Gershkovich, of the Wall Street Journal, who was accused of espionage and seized by Federal Security Service agents last year during a reporting trip to Yekaterinburg, and Alsu Kurmasheva, of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, who has dual U.S. and Russian citizenship and who was arrested in October while visiting Russia from Prague, where she had been living."


There is no relation between an assertion that the US media is corrupt and two US journalists being jailed in Russia. Leave it to you come up with this stupid shit.


The US media is completely corrupt. Only a fool or a liar would deny that.


Russia says former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has interviewed Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been interviewed by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the Kremlin confirmed Wednesday. It is Putin’s first interview to a Western media figure since his full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago.

The interview will be posted Thursday, according to Justin Wells, head of programming at Carlson’s streaming network. It’s not known what was said in the interview.

Peskov also rejected Carlson’s suggestion that no Western journalists had submitted requests to interview Putin. He said the Kremlin has received many requests from large Western television channels and newspapers which, he asserted, “take a one-sided position.” Carlson’s position, Peskov said, “is in no way pro-Russian, nor pro-Ukrainian, but rather pro-American.”


I wonder if TC has thought this through. I know he believes he's a real journalist, I know he has his fans, but there's a sizable amount of the people all around the world who strongly dislike TC. He appeared in Putin's domestic-audience propaganda in the recent
past. By interviewing Putin, TC is allowing himself to be used in Putin's propaganda machine again. It's irresponsible showmanship at least, complicity in Putin's lies at worst. If those lies are used to sell the SMO to Russian citizens then Ukrainians will continue to suffer. TC is the current world champion of poor-taste fake journalists.


Why should Tucker Carlson not be able to interview Vlad Putin?

I suggests a remember for anyone who thinks this is propaganda.

Release it through our mainstream media first, for 3 days or so,
where excerpts are shown, analyzed and critiqued.

Then put all those mainstream reports on YouTube for another 3

Then release the program as Tucker would want it released for
all of us to comment on.

We have to start making media work for the world.


We have to start making media work for the world.

But it doesn't, MSM is CIA-controlled to brainwash the NPCs. It worked. You and the OP are prime examples.


A live one here.


One your Army Generals was on the news just now talking about why tf Tucker is in Russia ,

It didnt catch it all bit it ended with "We in the forces hate Carlson , if his lips are moving , he's lying"
