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Skavau (10243)


Why didn't Jason2... [Spoilers] What is with the adult obsession with the MCU? Rate the song from 1-10 (Blackgaze) Rate this song between 1 and 10 (Post-Metal with Korean Folk influences) Rate the song between 1-10 (Prog Metal) Hungarian public broadcaster agrees to air hardline Chinese propaganda Ben Shapiro cries that Eurovision doesn't adhere to tradcon reactionary values Rate this song on a scale between 1-10 (Nordic Folk) Rate this song out of 10 View all posts >


>They used riots and a plandemic for the 2020 election and then a fedsurrection to cover for it. I'll await evidence for this. Got any evidence for this supposed fake tally whatsoever? >They know that Trump won in 2020 by a landslide with 10+ million more votes than when he won in 2016 and will likely add another 10+ million votes in 2024. Got any evidence for this supposed fake tally whatsoever? >They are going to try and cancel the election due to a false-flag war, a cyber-attack or some other black swan event. Pretty sure you've been making these comical, baseless predictions for every election in the last 20 years Oh, sorry. Okay, fine. That building wasn't hit by a plane. I misread it. But you claim no planes were flown at all. What happened to all the people that died on the planes that crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon? >No airplanes hit building-7 (a well known fact), and it collapsed the same way as the twins, that was their biggest mistake. It is not a "well known fact". It is a conspiracy theory peddled by conspiracy theorists. What happened to all the people that died on the planes that crashed into the WTC and the Pentagon? >Irrelevant. He was a Leftist who voted for Bernie in 2016 before becoming red-pilled and supporting Trump. Your gaslighting is failing again. Okay so? He's not been leftist for a long time. >Weak projection from a Leftoid cultist. How am I a cultist? Why would NATO which was a built-up common defence pact be disbanded? Recent actions by Russia have made it clear why it is necessary. >Doesn't change the fact that marriage -- even in Ancient Greece and Egypt -- are still based on the principles of the Abrahamic concept of marriage under God. No reason to believe this is true, or that the concept of a union between two people of the opposing sex (or more) with varying adjacent customs of it derives from christianity. >Dissolution of policies influenced by feminism. Name these policies please. >Don't ask, don't tell. Shame is a powerful tool. Social shame is one thing. I'm on about law. Should gay people be requires, by law, to "don't ask, don't tell"? Would a gay couple holding hands in couple in effect be an admittance of possible sexual intercourse in the past? >Yep, the study I linked showed 1 in 8.5 men experiment with other men in college due to social influence. I just searched for text related to that in the last few links you posted. Can't find any reference to 1 in 8 men. >Homosexuality; idoltry; covetousness. Ignoring for the fact that "sin" is simply not in my vocabulary. I'm not a christian. I'm not bound by the moral demands of a religion I don't believe in. What two consenting adults do with each other is none of my business regarding potential homosexual intercourse. Not sure what "idoltry" means here specifically. It's rooted, so far as I can see, in the presupposition that god exists and is the only thing that must be praised. If you've forgotten, I'm an atheist. The premise is white noise to me. Obviously any obsession over anything, fictional or not - including a deity can be harmful. I don't think coveting is inherently bad. It can be unhealthy, or it can be used as motivation to innovate and improve. > And you think the prominence of hookup culture in the UK, specifically, derives from Taylor Swift? > currently on the verge of societal collapse. No, it's not - and I'd argue many of its struggles are due to immigration and capitalism reaching its limits (it needs to reform and change, not necessarily go - a detail). >Depends on the offence and the extent of the criminality. What would constitute a form of blasphemy that requires state intervention? >As mentioned, if the people are private and keep to themselves, there shouldn't be problems, but imposition is what leads to contagion. It's especially prevalent in the lesbian communities. Not. An. Answer. Can you answer the SPECIFIC examples given: Would two gay people holding hands in public constitute some form of "disruption"? What if they went out to eat? Or appeared as characters in a TV show? Should all of those things be criminalised? These are ordinary things that straight people do without thinking about it. Would it be acceptable for gay people to also do those things, legally? >I actually don't watch many; mostly sticking with older films, East Asian films, and Eastern European films. I rarely watch modern U.S./U.K., media. Many contemporary movies from East Asia and Eastern Europe will also depict people who are clearly having unmarried sexual intercourse (they may not show it) and won't give a fuck about your prudish social mores. >Gee? Sounds reminiscent of the 2020 Election where the Democrats would do almost anything to win, including concocting a Pandemic with China so they could rig the mail in ballot system Any evidence for this claim whatsoever? I think he claims that they were all missiles. >- back in 1990 there was a deal to not continue with eastward NATO expansion There was no such "deal". It's basically a Kremlin urban legend. Also a full video on Putin/Kremlin's problems with NATO: >- Yeah that’s pretty rich since the US has been biting chunks out of UN member states for decades now Have they? Who has the US been annexing? View all replies >