MovieChat Forums > Politics > $9 Doritos...

$9 Doritos...

But thank god no more mean tweets!



I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you are paying $9 for a bag of Doritos, you are shopping at the wrong place.


They are $5 here at Kroger. I would think if you go to a self service station to get them you will pay 9.With gas prices if all you want is chips then pay the 9 instead of paying the gas money to go all the way to the store. This is Texas as it takes 5 miles to the store and 5 miles back for me.


The walk would be good for you.


Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this claim of 9 dollar chips.


To be clear: it was 2 for $9, but that is still clown world pricing.

And that's the point. If I spend $9 on Doritos, I better be taking home FOUR fucking bags of them, not two.


Ok, now that's totally different. You never said it was for more than one bag. $4.50 is a bit overpriced, but that's totally different than saying $9.


When a single bag hits $9, I'll be sure to bump this thread.


A regular size box of my favorites Kellogg's cereal cost $7 at my regular supermarket.

Seven. Fucking. Dollars.


You should quit stuffing your fat face.


The box is also now 1/2" skinnier as well.


"The box is also now 1/2" skinnier as well."



You guys really need to be more shopping savvy. No one shops in any supermarket and pays full price for ANYTHING these days. Supermarkets, drugstores, retail stores, etc. - everything is priced up to be marked down and the stores still score a nice profit.

Everything is 'priced up' to be 'marked down' later on. Cereal and Doritos are ALWAYS on sale at different markets - I can't recall the last time I spent 'full price' on either. Just about 90% of the market goes on sale week to week.

Cashiers must think 'Jackpot!' when they see you unloading your grocery cart.

There's a sucker born every minute.


Yeah, because the cashiers get a cut of the sales. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, they just laugh at the idiots who pay full price - like $9 for Doritos and $7 for cereal.


Not sure where you saw anyone here say they actually paid these prices. But that's how it is with your type. You see what you want so you can spew your internet blather. But yeah, anyone who thinks/says jackpot means they've come into some kind of money/surplus of product etc. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Go stuff your fat face with some more of those $7 Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Fat Flakes. You are not orbidly obese enough yet.


If no one paid the prices why are they complaining about them ? If the prices have no effect on their lives, why would they be complaining ?

But that's how it is with your type. Such lonely empty lives, you have to stir the pot somehow to get attention.


That kind of shop can get fucked as far as I'm concerned , I'm not there to play games and do extra work correlating coupons and waiting for the stuff I want to be discounted down to its real price.

I'll just go to place that gives good value and doesent play stupid games , like Aldi or Lidl

In UK only Dominoes Pizza and sofa companies do the "50% off voucher is the real price" crap.


Thanks Trump for the low interest rates to prop up the stock market (which is no indication of the actual economy) gambling, lowering corporate and upper class tax rates while hiking up the tax rate on the middle-income families. Oh, and for totally ignoring and fumbling the reaction to the once in a 100-year pandemic.

By the way, yes, we should thank god for no more tweets instigating violence and trying to overthrow the government in a fascist coup attempt. Dumbass.


Amazing how bozo conveniently forgets the cause of inflation is printing money. When did we do that? Oh that’s right, the communist Demokkkrat party lockdowns and 5 trillion in stimulus for a “virus” that had a 99.97% survival rate and who’s average age of death was 85.


Fat fascist Donald's economy was about to collapse two weeks into the pandemic. Everyone and their mother needed a bailout. That's a strong economy right there.


you can blame Fauci and Congress for that.


Oooo, I see we found a wild What-a-Bot!


Why don’t you educate yourself before blathering nonsense?

”So here are the results of the Trump tax cuts:

--The income tax burden for high earners increased $16 billion to 40 percent of the total owed.

--The income tax burden for middle class earners decreased by $31 billion to 13 percent of the total owed.

--The income tax burden for low wage workers decreased by $4 billion to 1 percent of the total owed.

Doesn’t sound much like a tax cut for the wealthy.

So why does Biden keep saying what he says? To quote Ronald Reagan: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”


Shut the fuck up, fascist propagandist:

Here, from the corporate whore owned media.

Quoting Ronald the corporate whore Reagan really bolsters your case. NOT.


That's a Samuel Clemens quote.

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. “

Before your brain locks up, I'll go ahead and tell you that Samuel Clemens is also known as Niawt Kram.


That was Fat Donnie's Fun Land.


Welcome to Dementia Joe Land.


Clown World insane you'll realize it's on purpose!


haha, great tag line or bumper sticker...


Fat Donnie's Fun Land.


I hear diaper prices are going up as well, Biden says that it has nothing to do with inflation... What does he know that we don't?


You must live in some shithole place or something or a very high end area to have $9 for a bag of chips, lol. Here it's x3 for $9. Decent chips are about $2.50 - $3. Low end one's are about $1 - $1.99. High end ones are about $4 something like Sun Chips and Miss Vickie's.


I don't eat junk food (12% BF 💪), but seeing the number 9 anywhere near a "sale" on Doritos caught me off guard.


Popcorn Chicken is $10 on sale, $13 when it's not. I doubt Biden's cohorts are concerned with trying to get wheat and other stuff for more supply, because the shooting and guns are in the spotlight. They only attend to the latest big news story.


I dunno, the useless cops are quickly taking over everything....abolish the police!


Wow, $9 for 2 bags is a DEAL now!

This post aged well.


Two and a half bucks for a snack sized bag at Walmart now. Bidenomics!


No it didn't dipshit. Stop overpaying for shit.

You've posted this like 8 times before and you never tell us the price per ounce.


I've always been talking about the standard size bag.

Not the "Party Size", not the "mini" bags. The plain old standard size which now retails individually at $5.99.

So yes, this has aged well.

price per ounce

Since everything has been shrinkflated along with the inflated prices, the price per ounce is going to be lower no matter what, this is a moot point.


Do I have to bring back The List already? I really don't want to.


Gotcha. Price per ounce is completely irrelevant.

Some of us don't get food stamps...


The bags are smaller without the price decreasing, so, as he said, there's no world in which the price per ounce is steady.
