MovieChat Forums > Jacksman344

Jacksman344 (120)


Worst movie of 2023 I don't know how anyone could consider thing as good as Superman Animated Series. Aqua's "Barbie Girl" Music Video had a better plot. Ken is a Proletarian Hero to Barbie Bourgeois status quo. Wow If you guys are made a Ben Shapiro. This is really going piss you 3rd Wave Feminist off. So this movie criticizing capitalisms while engaging in capitalism. The whole scene where the teen girl say that Barbie ruined her life So they made a two part movie. Just to Guilt Trip People for Not liking Miles. Why i hate Modern TV. Why i hate Modern TV. View all posts >


Then other people made a career complaining about him complaining about something. I haven't seen Oppenheimer and already know its a better film. I doubt it. Its already starting to lose theaters. That usually the beginning of the end. Not to mention it had to hide its woke Non-sense in there marketing. I think where going see more movies where they have to hide what the movies really about. So because some guys got away with rape. We should just throw everyone in jail who just accused. Regardless if they actually did it or not. Yeah that seem pretty dystopian. You must been happy when those black guys got accused of rape in the early 20th century. Because some white women said they were touched by a black man. Yeah i saw Birth of a Nation. It was bad. About as bad as Barbie. Why do you have to single out white men. As if Black Men and Asian Men dont all have the same kind of problems. MLK and Abraham Lincoln weren't advocating that men be kicked out there home and only being allowed sleep on beach solely because there men. People are not scared by progressivism. There annoyed by it. The places that are the most progressive. Also have the most homelessness. Because its all virtue signaling and deep down you really don't give a shit. If you mean it was a bunch of none-sense that demeaned a entire group of people (Men of All Colors) and some how made lots of money. Than Sure. Wow Even Christopher Reeve Superman made more money than Barbie. Only the Dark Knight is a Cinematic masterpiece. And Barbie is trash, that most people already trying to forget about. View all replies >