MovieChat Forums > lolkatz

lolkatz (475)


The world was too big for Richard Franklin and Brian de Palma Some characters should have been merged for the movie adaptation Kaitain scenes look fascinatingly cheap Zendaya's acting is criminally bad Why do you need ornithopters? Falls apart in the third act. Is this a lesbian show? 3 and 4 had a villain problem. SPOILER: It doesn't mean he made it. View all posts >


My 2 cents. While a person of normal proportions, he's probably not your "man's man" but a tiny, scrawny man. Probably very insecure about himself. Being assigned to a double entendre with a small person, Kenny Baker, did not help his self-esteem. He probably dreaded the idea of touring with Baker and further strengthening his association with the person whom he considered inferior and "unworthy" of his company. He perhaps had other ideas about his career. He has very few acting credits under his belt, mostly supporting roles in TV productions, that were not SW-related. He couldn't shake off the "golden rod" image. The only way to earn money probably kept him tied to it. But he drew the line when it came to touring with Kenny Baker. That he could not have been able to bear. I understand your sentiment, but that's just not true. My guess is that he snubbed him on purpose. Maybe he coudn't stand his dorkiness and the Short Round schtick he seems not to be able to shake off. Downey is very opinionated. I don't think it was a spur of the moment thing. The character of Chani was destroyed by Villeneuve even before Zendaya stepped in with her "acting" I'm afraid. In De Palma's Blow Out (1981) he played a seedy photographer. No cop. In Psycho II, he was the sleazebag motel manager. No cop. Now I see that MacLachlan's casting was perfect one. He was convincing both as an inexperienced novice, and later as the Fremen leader. He had the gravitas. I thought she was really bad. Others struggled, but she was like frowning and smirking, like she was in a Nikelodeon production. So hammy. Actually, as someone who is generally disappointed with most of the performances in the movie, I thought Chalamet did well given the material he's got. I mean, it's an impossible role to play: a boy-messiah-god-conqueror. It's rediculous. And I think he did his best, so I'd give him a break. It's Zendaya who's just terrible. They want to gender-swap the cop/detective trope. They want to lecture the world, "See, women can be every bit as sexually aggressive as those macho cops before them." And they are hammering it down. When they are not cruising for sex, they search through Tinder profiles on their phones. And I don't think Jodie Foster likes it, because you can see she doesn't quite align with the role she's playing. There were great examples of women playing the traditionally male roles, and Jodie Foster's own Clarice Starling is case in point. But these were interesting movies because women lent their femininity and "woman touch" to otherwise tough and male-driven surroundings. They relied on their intelligence and subtlety, often upstaging their male counterparts. That was fun to watch. But this show throws it out the window. They want to say, "Women can be masculine and even be desired for it." It's agenda. View all replies >