MovieChat Forums > UncleRuckis

UncleRuckis (2560)


Why does no character in the movie need the whole Beekeeper thing explained? This movie needs to come with a warning for being deceptively boring!!! Why would someone do multiple days of driving all on creepy backroads? Must have been awkward for all the ghost Why use princesses? I'd sooner tell every soul on earth to go fuck themselves Damned funny if you were born before 1990 Kinda hard to root for the family here(spoilers) Unbelievably stupid villain(spoilers, but who gives a shit) Jay is a more understanding man than me View all posts >


Ann Coulter may be a hateful shrew, but gotta give her credit for not being a typical right wing coward and standing behind dog whistles and subtext. Wear that racism on your sleeve! <blockquote>There are lots of guys who find Zendaya attractive</blockquote> they're called heterosexuals! Probably the same reason that they didn't "fix" healthcare. Any solution that the MAGA GOP excretes would be completely unpalatable to moderate republicans and be doomed to never pass a vote. Hutchinson is who I was talking about and he definitely did not know. He just chose not to ask any follow-up on this obscure piece of information. It was odd is all i'm saying. I'm gonna take a wild guess that this claim is completely unfounded and not researched in any meaningful way (conspiracy blog post aren't meaningful). As a Star Trek fan, I'm definitely all for slouching towards replicators. Honestly, if it's healthier, eco friendly, and more or less taste the same, I wouldn't care. Now if it taste like grilled sofa cushion, as veggie burgers currently do, I'll pass. Couple things. A. Im pretty sure he was only wounding the cops and law enforcement types that weren't directly connected to the scams. B. When the President of the US is a major player in scamming americans out of billions a year and ruining an untold number of lives, then wielding the power of the US govt to hide those actions, anything you do law enforcement suddenly becomes much more morally justified. (and before some asshole pops in here claiming that the US is already doing that in reality, keep in mind it wasn't some vague conspiracy theory within the context of this movie. It's explicitly shown that those in power were incredibly corrupt.) You're basically complaining that when Luke blew up the death Star, he killed lots of innocent empire soldiers who were only there to serve the galaxy and be good citizens! You can't be that obtuse! The standard profile for a serial killer is a white male between the ages of 30-50. That is backed up by overwhelming statistics. And those are just the known ones. Guaranteed there were a ton more who ran into cops, but repeatedly got the Dahmer treatment and sent on their way without a second look. Look at the way the MAGA crowd turns on, discredits, and devours any conservatives who dared to speak out against Trump! That is straight out of the Cult playbook. To be fair, Franco developed the drug, but he was against rushing into the new version, which is the one that was deadly and killed the world. It was his boss that pushed it without proper testing. Also they all saw that lab tech get exposed to the drug and didn't quarantine him immediately. The version Franco tested on his dad didn't cause a plague. Then it again, it just as easily could have, so lets just give him like 40% of the blame. View all replies >