MovieChat Forums > Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Discussion > It will never be not funny that James Fr...

It will never be not funny that James Franco destroyed mankind simply because he wanted his daddy to be better

... and we all had to sit and root for him. Because he is nice. And then root for Caesar because he is cute little animal. All while knowing this is literally how mankind was wiped out.


If only Taylor had got back in time he'd have killed franco his pops and his damn dirty baby ape!


To be fair, Franco developed the drug, but he was against rushing into the new version, which is the one that was deadly and killed the world. It was his boss that pushed it without proper testing. Also they all saw that lab tech get exposed to the drug and didn't quarantine him immediately.

The version Franco tested on his dad didn't cause a plague. Then it again, it just as easily could have, so lets just give him like 40% of the blame.


You're being a bit too harsh on Franco. To be fair, he only deserved 34% of the blame of mankinds downfall


It was his bosses fault. James was against the 2nd version of the virus (which caused the pandemic) without testing the negative affects of it. His boss wanted to rush it. THAT is what caused the human downfall.
