MovieChat Forums > pioneergrrrl

pioneergrrrl (2390)


my review People who would have made a good wonka lol is this even legit? Doesn't Make Sense lol Is this going to work? One cross over they never tried---- It's going straight to HBO max ooh just hit skids View all posts >


New Kids on the Block I have a very bad feeling about this. They botched the live action he-man and Jem movies profoundly. Yes they did good with the transformers--but 2 flops out of 3 adaptations is not a good record. My gut feeling says this is going to be like the he-man live action movie with a retelling of 'cats' thrown in here and there. well and the other thing too is that this is 1984. Considering how long Egon, Ray, and Peter got their PhDs before that and the requirements to do continuing education (if any) they proably are not working with the same technology we have today. After all back then there were dot matrix printers, VCRS, cell phones for the people who did have them literally weighed a ton. I'm a feminist and I like this movie. Please don't presume that we hate masculinity and all men. Very true....on Buffy Cordelia was little more than a weak 'enemy' ofBuffy's. Since she already had to deal with vampires etc having Cordelia continue to behave like she did post high school would be odd. and Bruce and Gus were the creeps. Franklin never hit on anybody. How would that differ from other sitcoms? You're forgetting that co-ed cohabitation was a big deal in the late 1970's. It's not now. And it would be impossible to juggle roommates including in the era of social media. Cell phones, social media did not exist late 1970's. But he was nice--so I'm sure Rose and then Sue Ellen did not want to hurt his feelings. Thanks. this is like a really warped ep of the love boat (classic). View all replies >