Top 3 DCEU movies?

This isn't one of them.

I'd go with:

1. Aquaman - very creative and fun, good action scenes, great visuals. I didn't love it the first time I saw it, but a rewatch really won me over.

2. Wonder Woman - It's at least great for 2/3 of the movie. The third act leaves something to be desired and feels stock, but everything leading up to the finale is quite entertaining.

3. Batman v Superman - It gets a lot of shit, but while I do think the film is problematic, it's still one of the more interesting DCEU movies and it reaches some real high points.


1. Wonder Woman
2. Aquaman
3. Shazam


Oh great a list thread.


Well only assholes just post their picks without any explanation. List threads could be fun but most people take the lame route and don't actually provide any info that could result in meaningful conversation. Such as yourself.


No you're mistaken I didn't post a list with no explanation. I just commented that this topic/thread is fucking shit. I could elaborate on why your thread is shit if you'd like?

Oh and you put Aquaman ahead of the first WW movie? lol.


You're right, you didn't post a list with no explanation. You did however post something that has no chance of resulting in meaningful conversation.

And yes, Aquaman > Wonder Woman.


i haven't seen aquaman, birds of prey or ww84

i would go...

1 man of steel
2 bvs: doj
3 wonder woman

i think they're all pretty severely flawed movies. ww is probably the best one. it's really good, even great, right up to the ending, which is a bit of a cgi gloss bore. but it's also the one i don't really care if i see again.

basically i'd say the same thing about man of steel. i don't know if the world needed a super serious, mopey superman, but for the first two thirds of that film, they did that very thing & did if very effectively. and then the last 40 minutes was pure tedium to me.

bvs is ridiculous and absurdly self-serious, so much so that i actually find it kinda endlessly re-watchable - it's a hate-watch, but i can watch it again and again. in fact, if you were to ask me right now 'would i rather watch bvs or ... captain america civil war...' - i'm probably going to choose bvs, cuz i'd probably have more fun cackling at its silly portentousness.


Have you seen the BvS Ultimate Edition, and if so, how much does it improve the movie?


i did see it, but honestly i can't remember it well enough to recommend it one way or the other. i know some people said that it made some plot elements come together a little more effectively - there was some stuff about ammunition calibre that supposedly made sense whereas it didn't before, i believe? - but as i recall it all seemed like a goofy, jumbled mess in both editions.

but a fun goofy jumbled mess!


I actually own the Ultimate Edition on 4K Blu-Ray but still haven't watched it. It's 3 hr runtime keeps putting me off, but I'm thinking it's about time to just bite the bullet and sit down for it.

I agree with you that the film is overly serious, as are all of the Snyder DC films. It would've been interesting to see how a different director would've handled a Batman vs Superman story. But nevertheless, I think it's a better movie than many give it credit for.


So I only consider the DCEU to have 6 films...

I consider the DCEU to be "Snyder's DCEU" which are MOS, BvS, SS, WW, JL and Aquaman...

I do understand films like Shazam, Birds of Prey, WW84 have a really loose attachment to the DCEU or desperate DC fans can delusional believe The DCEU is still alive and they are DCEU films....but in reality these films where stand alone films that had absolutely nothing to do with Snyder FAILED and dead DCEU

Here are my rankiings

1. Man Of Steel 8.5/10(IMO has some big problems but I really like this film)
2. Wonder Woman-9/10
3. Aquaman--8/10(fun)
4. Suicide Squad--6.5/10(Not good)
5. Batman V Superman(Ultimate cut)--6/10(Just awful, a complete disaster but slightly better than the Theatrical cut)
6. Batman V Superman(Theatrical cut) 4/10(IMO possibly the worst CBM ever made, and the biggest creative failure in Hollywood History)
7. Justice League--1/10(This rating is not an exaggeration, This isnt a FILM, This is a Frankenstein monster of scenes edited together to meet a mandated 2 hour runtime)

If I were ranking all the Films-

1. Man Of Steel 8.5/10
2. Wonder Woman-9/10
3. Aquaman--8/10
4. Shazam 7.5/10
5. Suicide Squad--6.5/10
6. Batman V Superman(Ultimate cut)--6/10
7. WW84---5.5/10
8. Birds Of Prey---5/10
9. Batman V Superman(Theatrical cut) 4/10
10. Justice League--1/10


It seems most of Man of Steel's bad reputation comes from excessive building smashing. But that's the reality when you have two gods punching each other.


Interesting. I think you're a little hard on BvS and it's also a bit peculiar that a 6/10 film is "just awful" and "a complete disaster" in your eyes. To me, 6/10 means "pretty good."

Glad to see you liked Aquaman though.


Interesting. I think you're a little hard on BvS and it's also a bit peculiar that a 6/10 film is "just awful" and "a complete disaster" in your eyes. To me, 6/10 means "pretty good."


Well thats because for me a 1 through 4 rating pretty much doesnt exist.

I'm not hard to please, I enjoy almost everything, Its extremely rare, almost non existent that I would ever rate a film 1 through 4....

for me, my rating basically go.

10--Masterpiece, Literally one of the best movies ever and one of the movies the genres ever produced(examples being, Se7en or Zodiac IMO these are 2 of the best crime thrillers ever made, Or Dumb and Dumber or Anchorman 1, IMO these are 2 of the best comedies ever made, Or Logan,The Dark Knight and The Avengers, which IMO are tied for the 3 greatest CBMs ever)

9-Excellent, Incredibly Great, Movies that are almost ALL Timers but forever reason just a notch under Masterpieces(examples being Joker and Captain America The Winter Soldier, These are in My top 5 CMBs ever and are incredibly great buuuuuuut I consider them Just A touch under the best)

8-Good to Very Good, films I can watch over and over again, films I really enjoy, But I wouldnt consider them among The Best movies of that genre(examples being Ant-Man and Captain America The first Avengers or in The Comedy genre Blades of Glory and Heavyweights(1995))

7--Average, Movies I watch and somewhat enjoyed but have no real desire to rewatch

6--bad to disappointing

5-Just awful, Movies that fail at every possible level, This for me is about as bad as it get, ranking movies any lower is very rare.

I only rated Justice League Lower than a 5 because its one of the very rare cases where Its awfulness was at a level I had never seen before....It wasnt just a terrible movie, It wasnt an ACTUAL Movie, when a film is made, It has a vision, for better or worse the director has a goal and The Movie is made in the vision..But here You have NO Vision, No Goal, Whedon came on and not only didnt try to finish Snyders terrible movie/vision, His Goal and Purpose was to CHANGE IT and it resulted in literally a bunch of scenes being edited together with different visions,tones and goals to meet a 2 hour runtime.....The best example of this is The films scores, when composers sign on to do a films score, They want to read the script, They want to know the tone of the film, everything they do, The Music they make needs to fit The Movie and tone, But In Justice League Whedon decided to basically throw out Zimmer and Junkie XLs score and Bring in Danny Elfman to score the entire movie and it results in utter disaster, You have many scenes that Snyder shot, that feature Snyders tone that NEED The score Zimmer and Junkie XLs made specifically for those scenes and Instead they have an Elfman score that doesnt remotely fit the scene or tone....I mean I dont think I've ever seen this before, a movie that Literally has the WRONG score playing for iconic and important scenes.....

The depths of JL failures is unlike anything I've ever seen in Hollywood history, therefor I gave it the very rare below 5 rating


aquaman is a steaming pile of (sea)horseshit


I have a hard time ranking them, but I will say I'm glad to see Aquaman getting lots of recognition in this thread. I see it getting laughed at as one of the "worst DC films" elsewhere, and yet I disagree. I thought it was one of the best ones. It's not anywhere near the greatest comic book movie, but when we're dealing with the current DCEU (post Nolan films), I think Aquaman accomplished what a lot of failed DCEU movies should have done.

Dare I say, the DCEU would've been far more successful if they copied the tone of Aquaman (let that film be the DCEU's Iron Man) instead of letting Zack Snyder be the one setting the tone.


As I said in the OP, I was a bit iffy on Aquaman after the first watch. I didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. But I ran across a good Black Friday deal on the 4K Blu-Ray, felt inspired to revisit it, and bought it and gave it another look. I liked it a lot more the second time around and had a lot of fun with it, and now would even say it's my favorite DCEU movie.

Regarding your last statement, I'm wondering now what a DCEU would've looked like with James Wan at the helm instead of Snyder.


Including Nolans films;

1. Wonder Woman
2. The Dark Knight
3. Wonder Woman 1984

If we're excluding Nolans films then Man of Steel would get third place with Aquaman just missing out.


Excluding Nolan films.

And you'd put Wonder Woman ahead of TDK? That's surprising.

I'm also surprised the WW 1984 is on their before. I was shocked by how much of a mess that film was.


1. Zack Snyder's Justice League
2. Wonder Woman
3. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Man of Steel, Aquaman and Wonder Woman 1984 would make up my next three.


I'm quite surprised to see Justice League at number one. While I thought the Snyder Cut was probably better than what we got in theaters, to me it was still a mess of a film.
