MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1997) Discussion > Did Jack and Rose use protection?

Did Jack and Rose use protection?

I hope they considered safe sex.


Back then, there was no DNA testing. I *assume* Cal was banging out Rose being that they were engaged, so if she got knocked up by Jack, it may not have ever been known by anyone including Rose who the baby daddy was.


Yeah. Jack was a pos for screwing an engaged gal. And Rose was just as despicable for going for a dude who didn't respect her boundaries as an engaged woman. Even if she was unhappy.


I recall a scene where Cal asked Rose why she didn't come to his room? I was surprised, considering the era, despite being engaged women were still chaperoned back then. Maybe they were fooling around on the sly.


After hearing what Cal said about Rose not coming to his room, I assumed they were doing a bit of the old in and out and also when he said she was his wife by practice if not by law (during the argument).


Anything was possible.


Years ago, I saw a documentary (History channel back when they actually did history) on early American colonial era life and engaged couples were "bundled" to each other and spent the night with each other before marriage. Supposedly there was no amorous congress but others have said it did happen.

I also read that some 35 percent of unmarried women had premarital sex in the 1910s - 1920s - the time that Titanic sailed, so Rose and Cal hiding the salami wouldn't be a stretch, particularly if engaged to marry.,premarital%20sex%20by%20age%2025.

Is that true? I don't know as I wasn't there...




I do not think so but who knows...


In 1915 --- Beyond abstention what sort of prophylactics were available


Rubber condoms were invented early in the 20th century - available to Jack and Rose assuming one of them actually brought some with them. I don't know for sure, but I don't think they'd be available from White Star on the ship unless the doctor had some?


I think there were diaphragms too, but maybe they came after WWI.


Casanova used rubbers made from animal colon. So they were around.


I reckon Mr Andrews sorted Rose out with a couple of johnnies.

‘I can see you’re taken with that young lad from the lower decks, Rose. Here, a couple of rubbers for ye. Have fun you two 😉’


Does it matter, considering how things turned out for Jack?

Rose could say anything about how the baby came to be.


Rose could say anything about how the baby came to be.

I think the question still comes down to whether Cal was bonestorming Rose or not. If so, then unless the child was clearly of a different "race", Rose could say it was Cal's.

If they were never dancing the forbidden polka, then Rose couldn't explain her pregnancy to Cal other than it wasn't his.
