MovieChat Forums > Popcorngal

Popcorngal (4360)


Article on the real Mary White Lionel's death rumors of a reboot Jennifer Leak passed away in March. Wise advice from Cheslie Kryst's mom Two alums passed away last week. The spooked horses The true story about the blue necklace Great video explaining the history of names Claims she used crystal meth to lose weight during her acting heyday. View all posts >


He also played the bf in "The Little Girl That Lives Down The Lane, with Jodi Foster. Martin was in that too. He played a child molestor. They got married after the movie came out I believe. Both were 19. Interesting note, Tim Matheson who played her step brother in the film was her first husband. That owner was rude and stupid. She was funny as a Lennon sister on SNL. I hope he has at least a few years. The same as Kate and Fergie. Many older actresses do not want to play matrony roles like a wise granny or aunt. But the film industry does need to work on respect, and not discard them. I never knew the typewriter was made in Milwaukee. Hey you are entitled to your opinion. I find the entire royal family intetesting . I think both sides made mistakes,but I am not that deep into it to trash anyone. I wish Meghan well with her American Rivera brand. Harry cannot control what happens in Africa, there will always be sick perverted people in every country. Nor would I trash Charles or the rest of his family. Both sides need to forgive and heal. I never knew stores still had type writer ribbons. But a few people still use them. View all replies >