MovieChat Forums > National Lampoon's Vacation (1983) Discussion > Is this the ONLY movie that does this? (...

Is this the ONLY movie that does this? (Makes no sense)

Sorry for the clickbaity title, but I think the rarity of this kind of scene warrants it.

Guns are EXTREMELY, ridiculously, SUPER loud - probably more so than you think right now.

Yet, in movies, you see people just shoot guns without problem, willy-nilly, not even experiencing ANY aural or ear discomfort. It's on the level of saying 'pew pew', when it comes to consequences, ear damage, hearing impairment and ear discomfort.

Pretty much no movie makes any kind of effort to show how LOUD guns are. People shoot them left and right, whether it's a pistol, rifle, shotgun or whatnot. Look at 'Back to the Future II' - Marty holds his hands on his ears for way too short a time, and shows way too little suffering, but at least there's a tiny effort to pointing it out.

However, I think that even in that movie, the point is more that there are SO MANY guns that it 'becomes loud' rather than even a singular gunshot would make your ears ring super hard.

This movie, however, talks about impairing kids' hearing, shows that Audrey can't hear a darn thing after the gun has been shot just once, and it's not even a REAL gun!

This scene, as absurd as this movie might otherwise me, is ABSOLUTELY REALISTIC, except that EVERYONE'S ears would be ringing, including the customers in the back and the bartender.

At least ONE movie in the whole hollyweird history of movies has a proper acknowledgement as to how ASTONISHINGLY loud guns really and truly are.

People are too accustomed to seeing these lies in movies, so they think you can silence a gunshot with a flimsy silencer from super loud BANG! into a very tiny 'phew' that sounds almost like some futuristic sci-fi weapon. You can't. You can silence them SOMEWHAT, but not even close to how movies portray them.

Movies also show cars almost ALWAYS exploding if they hit an obstacle without a driver in them (or sometimes even with a driver in them). Cars VERY rarely explode in real life - even if they catch on fire, they usually won't just explode without some heckuva good reason.

We're so used to these tropes, we take them for granted (among maybe 900 other lies), but if you go to some shooting range and try to withstand even two 'relatively silent' gunshots, you might actually go deaf or have a very bad-ear day.

Don't go near gunshots, they are SUPER SUPER LOUD, this movie at least tried to warn ya.


Just say you've never shot a gun or been near one when one was fired...


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


Wrong thread, should be in Predator or Rambo 2.
