MovieChat Forums > The Howling (1981) Discussion > Scarier than American Werewolf In London

Scarier than American Werewolf In London

The Howling was definitely scarier than American Werewolf in London, not that AWIL was bad, but if you ask me it was more funny than scary. If you want a good horror movie, a true thriller, go with The Howling, if you want something funny, go with AWIL or Ghostbusters.


I completely agree. The Howling is a scary film, and AWIL is a really strange film to me.. now I want to watch The Howling.


Oh, definitely----The Howling is the much darker and grittier of the two films, even though it does have some significant moments of humor scattered throughout. An American Werewolf is still equally good though. I still haven't seen Wolfen, which was the third werewolf film that came out around nearly the same time as the other two.


I still haven't seen Wolfen, which was the third werewolf film that came out around nearly the same time as the other two.

It's not technically a werewolf film. I don't want to say more because I don't want to spoil anything, except that it's the most artistic of the three, which isn't saying it's the best of course. It's just the most unconventional.


American Werewolf was meant to be more funny than scary/


I think the Howlibg is more tongue in cheek humour than laugh out loud comedy, plus it's very reverential of older horror movies. Dante was a huge fan of schlock horror movies of old.

That said, I used to enjoy it but last time I viewed it it did not impress me as much.

I always thought the main transformation was overated, it clearly looked like a static puppet in some scenes.


The Howling is a real werewolf movie, and the first one to show a real-time mechanical werewolf transformation. Werewolf in London is a bullshit werewolf movie for people who neither like nor understand werewolf movies, which describes the majority of film fans, who are too shallow to understand that werewolves, being LIVING CREATURES, are more sexy and visceral than vampires, who are DEAD. Wolves can fuck. Vamps can’t. No life, no cum. “But the vamps are sooooo sexy. They PENETRATE a woman.” Yeah, and cum Jack Shit—BECAUSE THEY ARE DEAD. I guess it’s great, if you are a necrophile.


The Howling is the best Werewolf film of all time.


Better than Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man though?


What was scary about 'The Howling'?

It's inferior to AAWIL in every way.
It's one thing to prefer another movie (and more power to you, if you do) but it's supporters seem to claim 'The Howling' as something it clearly isn't. It's a fun genre movie (for sure) but is inferior in *every* aspect compared to AAWIL.

I'm not here to cause any arguments, but I'm genuinely interested to read what exactly is so good about 'The Howling' (because I think it's badly paced, plodding, incoherent affair, than looks and feels like a TV-movie) with more attempted humour than AAWIL.


I found the only scary thing about The Howling to be the opening scene in the peep show. Aside from that it's cheesy and campy with good SFX thrown in.

AAWIL is a much better film, but The Howling is damn entertaining as well, I just never found it to be a scary movie.


Agreed but Teen Wolf is still the scariest werewolf film of all time
