MovieChat Forums > Roguemail

Roguemail (1569)


The Batman and the Batmobile. A Soldiers Story 1984. A Soldiers Story question. Street Smart 1987. Faraday and Co Tenet review Agenda to shut these boards down? Question about Ouija boards 63 Up The Sugarland Express View all posts >


Statham is so cool, that when he goes to sleep, sheep count him... Gibson is a spent force. He has had too much controversy around him. And he is clearly no box office draw. Really? You don't remember how unhappy fans were with Lucas revisions of the original trilogy and the uproar about it? So you're not in favour of people making up their own minds, their own decisions? Because YOU don't like her others should boycott the movie? Here's something that will rock your world...lots of people like her. You are perfectly entitled not to like her, that's your opinion. But don't dictate what others should do. He is probably perfectly affable in public...until someone sticks a camera in his face. Baldwin has had many many altercations with photographers over the years. They know he has a temper and they exploit it, they target him and rile him up. And those photos and videos make a lot of money. So they deliberately wind him up. So if people like this follow and taunt him, it's inevitable he is going to snap. Also...why didn't the shop owner kick her out? Private premises, he could have asked her to leave. Baldwin tried, but she ignored him. Nope...I am not supporting Baldwin, but this woman was in the wrong. Thanks K, but even in his earlier movies like Above The law and others, my biggest issue with him was his thin, weedy voice. He clearly had the fighting skills back then, but for me the voice never matched the physique. Fundamentally...he is too old and fat for anyone to consider putting him in a movie. He has survived the last 15 years or so making cameos in nondescript action movies, but even they have dried up. And I dont think he was smart about his career. Look at Jackie Chan, another action star who is older and not able to do the sort of stuff he used to do...but he acknowledged it. He slowed down, started doing more dramatic roles (karate kid remake, The Foreigner, ). And he comes across as very serious and dour...Chan, Arnie, Stallone, The Rock, even Van Damme have shown a lighter side in movies. Seagal is frankly a figure of ridicule these days, and there are many negative stories from people in the movie business about him. I can't see any reason why anyone would give him an acting role, and am surprised that he still has fans out there that are seemingly mystified as to why he is no longer making movies. Well, sticking a rifle barrel up a guys cornhole and blowing his guts and half his face off is not really self defence. Or it could be simply because the film was still in post production when the trailer was put together (which is very common), and the effects were not quite finished. Empire of the Sun and The Color Purple came before Hook, and after Hook he made The BFG, Tintin, West Side Story, Dial of Destiny and Ready Player One. View all replies >