MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > Is there a modern movie that has been as...

Is there a modern movie that has been as iconic as this?

For what it contributed to the genre, box office success, and impact on audiences

What comes close?



IT? No way, mainly lame jump-scares.



I doubt the audience will discuss IT 45 years later...



The comparison between The Exorcist and IT is laughable. Not many movies have had the impact on the psyche of moviegoers that The Exorcist had. Box office means little. There is a short documentary on Youtube that shows the effect the movie had on people at the time. It is epic.


It doesn't match The Exorcist for quality, but if I was to think of a more modern horror film that most ticks those boxes then maybe The Blair Witch Project. It created its own sub-genre with the handheld cam thing, made a lot of money, and it created quite a buzz at the time of its release with audiences. It is however over 20 years old itself so if you're talking a newer example then yeah, perhaps It as the poster above mentions, although that hardly contributed anything to the genre. Just a remake and one of a long line of modern horrors over-reliant on jump scares and CGI scares.


Yes "The Blair Witch Project" might be the only one. It also spawned tons of copycats that were influenced. It also, just like The Exorcist, created intense fear in its original screenings. I went to a sneak preview that was free, without any knowledge about what it was.


Same movie I was gonna say. I was only thinking on terms of horror movies as a reply, not movies in general, and the hype, the marketing and then the movie itself (love or hate it) was really something in the world of horror.


The Sixth Sense? The Ring?


The Sixth Sense is close... weird that even though the internet was in it's infancy people still respected movies and the twist ending wasn't ruined... for several weeks it remained at the top of the box office, even increasing week-to-week... something that perhaps will never happen again for a wide release movie.

The Ring even though I loved it was not as successful as The Exorcist nor The Sixth Sense.


Has there been an iconic movie in the last 20 years? Hint: No.


I guess it depends on the real weight of "iconic." Maybe Lord of the Rings might have that kind of staying power. For me the best single film of the past 20 years has been There Will Be Blood but I don't think it has the staying power because of what audiences are like today. It's a great film tho.


Nothing comes close. Theater employees quit their jobs, people vomited in the theaters and moviegoers couldn't eat anything red for months. Ten percent of people going to therapy went because they saw this movie. Mass hysteria.

The only movies that come close are also old: Jaws; Psycho (original)

They prevented some people from taking showers and going to the beach.


To be honest, I think modern movies are too desensitized for any horror or thriller to make the same impact, at least on a zeitgeist level. I can think of great horror movies made in the last 20 years (Hereditary, The Witch, etc.), but the last one to really freak people out Exorcist style was The Blair Witch Project in 1999.

As for any movie regardless of genre, say what you will of their quality, but the MCU are probably the most iconic films of the 2010s at least for a mass audience.




I would say Terminator 2 Judgment Day was a game changer for cinema and had a lasting impact.

But if you mean horror and present day modern? Stranger Things had quit an impact. People were going cuckoo for that show! But many see it as an amalgamation of rebooted material (goonies+x-files)


I've never even heard of "Stranger Things" until you mentioned it. That pretty much cancels it as a contender.


But what about the first part of my response, Terminator 2 Judgment Day?


Good pick for that era.


I’d say JAWS created a stir, just like this one did. They both touched on something primal, although in very different ways.


I was going to say "Jaws" as well. It certainly did. But the religious overtones of "The Exorcist" gave it a grimmer depth.


Jaws was the original tentpole movie. Jacque-Yves Cousteau, on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, condemned Jaws as “a horror movie.” Not for nothing, Jacques-Yves Cousteau was the PIONEER of submarine research and exploration, the co-inventor of SCUBA gear.

And I believe that Monsieur Cousteau would be the first person to say that comparing a tale of biological bullshit with metaphysical investigation is tantamount to comparing a Maserati with a doberman pincher. They are 2 completely different things, that result in 2 completely different emotional audience reactions, unless the audience is stupid, which, sadly, is too often the case.

The odds of meeting a 30-foot shark, knowing that MOST SHARK BITES HAPPEN ON DRY LAND, in a fishing boat that some asshole has landed the shark? And that most shark bites in water happen in THREE FEET of water??

[Rod Serling voice] Presented for your consideration: Demons are a present reality. Megalodons are not.

Tell me you don’t see people all around you afflicted by demons, e.g., many posters on this site. That is a daily experience.
