who is Ike?

I stopped watching because I can’t get all the names


I like Ike.


Dwight D. Eisenhower, then overall commander of US forces in the European theater, later a President of the United States. His nickname was Ike.


OMG how dumb. Dwight D Eisenhower the commander of all the forces in the western front. 2 term US president from 1953-1960.


Ike is the guy who ran the general store on The Waltons, of course. Full name, Ike Godsey. It's a little known fact that Patton had a country home in the town where Ike and the Waltons lived, and he would often speak about Ike to his fellow officers.



Sorry for late reply.

I know who Dwight Eisenhower is. I didn’t know he was called Ike.

I was mentally very down and out when I wrote this post
