MovieChat Forums > Jerry Seinfeld Discussion > Zionist piece of shit!

Zionist piece of shit!

Rot in Hell, Jerry Shitfeld!!


Yeah…I think he’ll be fine


I don't get the reference. What episode is this from?


lol! Well done, sir.


I try lol


Leave him alone. He's a minor celebrity.


I'm sure he's concerned about what someone on social media thinks about him.. He's the wealthiest comedian in the world at almost a Billion dollars, so I'm sure he'll be fine


Hell, even poor people on MovieChat don’t give a shit what OP thinks


Which is sad, because innocent children are dying and you guys prefer sucking up to a rich Zionist asshole.


Those Palestinian fucks deserve everything they’ve ever gotten or have coming to them.


So you're saying that little Palestinian children deserve to die? Wow, you're disgusting! This war is exposing to the world how sick some of the people in the West are. They don't give a shit about children dying, unless they're white Western kids.


Shitty Hamas teaches those "poor little children" how to become suicide bombers.
Eff the disgusting Hamas PR even on MC!


another idiot who's mind is too small to distinguish between hamas and random Palestinian civilians. hurts his brain to think beyond the broad strokes


Mossad should hunt down every single Hamas leader from under whatever woman's skirts they're hiding under, and bring them to justice. Them, and all their sympathizers.


Last I checked, Israel funded Hamas since its very beginning. So.. what are we talking about here?


How do you feel about the innocent children dying in Sudan. The Darfur Genocide has been going on longer and is way worse, but I don't see you talking about it. Why? Is this your new flavor of the month? Or do you only care about one group of people and you want the rest of the people to do the same.


The irony is that the Israeli government sells weapons to Sudan fueling the genocide.


LOL. That's hilarious... Looking forward to seeing the response to this.


I never said I was pro Isreal, I was asking a moron why he was bringing up politics on a moviechat forum. And if he did why is he leaving out an even bigger genocide going on. No Irony just dealing with 2 peas in a pod.


His topic is relevant since Seinfeld supports a political ideology related to the ethnic-cleansing and genocide of Palestinians.

Israel commits genocide while supporting other governments doing the same. Birds of a feather...


They're going to grow up and become pains in the ass to the entire world, either as terrorists or terrorist supporters. Neighboring Muslim countries don't even want them around. Best to nip 'em in the bud before they're big enough to start being a problem.


If you expressed your opinion in a serious way, you’ll get genuine responses. But trolling, cussing, and mocking surnames will always get equivalent reactions.


Excellent example of being pompous and sanctimonious.


No it’s not. MovieChat people are pretty reasonable with genuine posters. But this OP was stupid and when people mocked it, he tried to bring up innocent Palestinian children like he was a serious person. Had he started with that, he might have got a reasonable debate. Don’t know why you would even have a problem with this point but whatever.


>>> innocent children are dying<<<

Yeah, it's as though Hamas shouldn't have started this war.

You can't honestly think they had no idea what Israel's response would be to the October 7th attacks. Almost half of those living in Gaza are under 18. It's just the typical dead baby strategy the Arabs use in this war, which has been going on for over 75 years, there's a very long history behind this conflict, if you're just watching the current turn of events, you're only getting a small fraction of the story. It's a proxy war conducted by Iran and few other Arab states. In fact, the Arabs don't care how many Gazans die, they just want to make Israel look bad on the world stage.

Fuck'em. I don't really care about it anymore. I used to think the Pals and the Gazans were getting a raw deal but after looking into what Hamas does, screw'em all!

Here they are teaching children to hate Jews and to make war with Israel....

Yeah... fuck'em.


They knew the antisemites would only judge Israel's response.

I just didn't know how many antisemites would slither out of the woodwork.


You must like thugs who rape women until their pelvises break then drive their corpses through Gaza for the "peaceful" people to spit on them.


May the Zion be with you.... always.


BREAKING: Jewish man supports Israel. More from this story at 6:00.


Who would have thought 🤔


You can be a Jew and not be a supporter of the ethnic cleansing currently happening.


It isn't about that. Jews don't walk around with their political views sewn on their clothes. There's a reason why antisemitism is up around the world. They hate them and it isn't because of their views on Israel.

Also, it's illegal to be gay in Palestine. Isn't that some sort of cleansing?


Islam only exists thanks to Judaism. If anything, Judaism is the biggest contributer to homophobia in the world. The Old Testament(which Jews wrote!) is the biggest reason why homophobia still exists in the Western World to this day.

Also, Israel is killing innocent children! Children don't give a shit about religion or ideology, they don't even know what's happening when they're being killed.

By the way, Israel is far from being a gay-friendly place. Only 36% of Israelis support gay marriage, which is even lower than India!


That doesn't justify why Palestine hasn't legalized gay marriage yet. How many more years do they need?


Israel doesn't have legal gay marriage. They only recognize marriages performed abroad.


Okay, but Palestine doesn't recognize anything.


Talking about it in a democratic way versus using ancient texts to justify torturing and murdering gay people - quite a difference I'd say.


Throwing people off of buildings isn't very gay-friendly, either, Catsaregods. You need to rethink these lovelies you're defending.


There is no genocide.
There is no ethnic cleansing.
What there is, is a police operation to end the sickenss
and criminal insanity at a state level with the Palestinian
toxic system on Gaza.
There is no way Israel should have to put up with a
sick dysfunctional toxic state that breaks across borders,
attack innocent people in another state, murders, massacres,
destroys, terrorizes, mutilates, kidnaps - and then promises
to do it over and over forever until the state of Israel and all
Jews are wiped out.
To make matters even worse, Hamas has the backing of a
large supermajority thoughout all Palestine, whose society is
toxic and who brainwash children from infancy to hate
non-Muslims - especially Jews, and who think they are
superior to and directed by god to take over the world.
If there was another way to destroy Hamas, Israel would be
doing it, but they are at war with Hamas and the only way to
get at Hamas is by Hamas's own planning to go through Gaza
civilians, women and children.
In doing that Israel has the lowest collateral damage stats of
any country in any war - and still it is not enough for the loonies.

People who oppose what Israel are going are either totally ignorant
of the situation, or just plain Jew Haters rooting for the Palestinians



> they're both evil religious extremists committing horribly violent atrocities

Not at all.



Former Hamas leader now a Zionist, try listening to his story


So you're for the lovelies who raped that woman to death then paraded her naked body through the streets while the average citizens beat her corpse and spat on her?

Seinfeld went over there to talk to the people who still had family members hostage. If your heroes hadn't taken them hostage, there wouldn't have been a problem.

Oh -- what do you think are the odds that they just killed the babies they took hostage rather than fuss with taking care of them? They have no regard for human life. They use their own people as human shields. They've raped hostages. They take humanitarian aid and use it to build tunnels instead of feeding their people.

Then again, you may not even believe what you're saying. You may just be a troll looking for attention. If so, "You're such an edgy boy! Aren't you an edgy boy! What a hot take! Such an edgy boy!" 🙄


Fuck Hamas(which the Israeli government helped to fund anyway lol), but fuck the Israeli government just as much for killing thousands of innocent children.


The Palestinians ELECTED Hamas to be their leaders.

I got to see one of those "innocent" children spitting on that poor woman's corpse.

Not every Palestinian is a monster, but they raise them to be.

Such an edgy boy!


The Palestinians ELECTED Hamas to be their leaders.

Not true.

The last elections were over eighteen years ago. The average age in Gaza is eighteen. The voting age in Gaza is eighteen. Do the math...

The kids being slaughtered now didn't vote for anything. Nor did a sizable chunk of their parents.

False, enabling narrative. Throw it alongside Hamas "started" the war...


Those "kids" spit on the corpses of women who were raped to death. The parents cheered and praised their children when they'd call back and tell them how many Jews they'd killed. Such an edgy boy!

You're just a Palestinian propagandist.



I simply replied to your comment with actual facts. The only propaganda / hyperbole is coming from yourself...


What's so weird is that we all got to see the videos of the kids spitting on the women's corpses. Now we're getting to see people who listen to the kind of junk you're spewing terrifying Jews on college campuses.

BTW, there have been polls done where 90% of Palestinians support Hamas.


Now we're getting to see people who listen to the kind of junk you're spewing terrifying Jews on college campuses...

LOL! Yes, yes - I can see how pointing out the simply fact it was a false narrative to say the people currently being slaughtered in Gaza elected Hamas equates to "terrified" Jewish college kids! 😂

I mean... Come on! At least THINK before replying. You decided to respond over a month later with this hot garbage...


The Palestinians elected Hamas in 2006 knowing that if it got power it would never allow elections again. One could make the same argument you did concerning the German kids slaughtered by the Allies during World War II since they never voted for the Nazis. And the vast majority of their parents never voted for the Nazis either in the 1932 German election.

And Hamas did start the war. Have you already completely forgotten about what Hamas did on October 7th?


Jeez, not with the WW2 stuff again Rusty... Haven't you given that a break yet?

As you have already been told multiple times, any right minding westerner should be as ashamed of the carpet bombing of Germany as the nuclear attacks on Japan.

This bizarre argument you continue to make requires the intended target to have a sense of nationalism / superiority. In fact the same disgusting mindset as Netanyahu. Otherwise an appeal to historic abhorrent behaviour of the US / UK can only fall on deaf ears.

Maybe you should read Slaughterhouse Five (not a particularly recent novel funnily enough).

The fact that disgusting crimes were committed by both sides during World War 2 does not and never should give a free pass on atrocities being committed today. We are supposed to develop our humanity as a species as time progresses. Not continue as barbarians.

And only a complete idiot would claim the October attacks "started" the issue in the middle east...


The Palestinians elected Hamas in 2006 knowing that if it got power it would never allow elections again. One could make the same argument...

... That the Jewish Zionists formed Israel in the 1940s knowing that if they succeeded in doing so, they would forever condemn future generations of innocent Israelis to be the victims of terrorists attacks. And therefore the founders of Israel are directly to blame for those killed in October...

You see what bullsh-t that is? And yet it is exactly the same logic you wish to apply to apportion blame to the innocent Palestinians being massacred now.

And also, funnily enough, the same bullsh-t logic you think is acceptable to apply to Israel's slaughter of those being murdered in Gaza today based upon WW2.


Why should I stop referencing World War II? It has valuable lessons about war that still apply today. I remember that you told me several months ago that people should be ashamed of the carpet bombing of Germany during World War II. But your mere act of making that argument doesn't prove it right. As soon as I challenged your argument, you abandoned the discussion. What does that tell us about the quality of your argument? My argument doesn't require the recipient to have any sense of nationalism or superiority. It only requires you to have a sense of necessity.

As I told you before, you can't claim that the carpet bombing of Germany was wrong if you casually accept the fruits of the Allies' victory without demanding any consequences for how it was achieved. The Allies couldn't have won the war without carpet bombing Germany. Does being "ashamed" of it mean we should be ashamed of Allied victory against Germany? Does being "ashamed" of it mean you believe it would have been better if Germany won the war? Do you believe the Nazis should be given back control of Germany and Germany should be given back control of most of Europe? You don't demand any punishment for the perpetrators of the carpet bombing of Germany or any compensation for the victims. You're a careless free-rider on the carpet bombing of Germany.

What you say about the atomic bombings of Japan is even more ridiculous. The proper parallel to the carpet bombing of Germany is the carpet bombing of Japan. Most of the Japanese killed by bombing died prior to the atom bombings. Are you saying we should only be ashamed of the atom bombings and not of the conventional bombings of Japanese cities that preceded it? The 2-day firebombing of Tokyo alone killed more Japanese than either atom bombing. Bombing Japan is literally all we did to make Japan surrender. Should we be ashamed of winning the war against Japan?

The lesson of World War II is that bombing is often necessary in war. The necessities of war haven't changed since then. The only way to actually reject that lesson is to reject any victory that comes with bombing. It seems you oppose Israeli bombing of Gaza because Israeli victory against Hamas isn't as important to you as it is to Israel. We can't "develop our humanity as a species" as time progresses the way you talk about it as long as war is a necessity. Such "development" doesn't magically occur just because you wish it.

I never said Palestinians deserve what's happening because they elected Hamas in 2006. Destinata made that argument. I simply pointed out the flaw in your counter-argument. The real point is that the civilian majority often pays the price for the decisions of a dictatorship. Israel has to destroy Hamas in Gaza. The inevitable suffering of Palestinian civilians in the process doesn't change the moral equation. That's just as true for Gazans now as it was true for Germans during World War II. Gazans don't have any more of a right to be free from the consequences of war than the Germans did 80 years ago.

What you say for purposes of comparison about Israel's founders being supposedly to blame for the deaths of Israelis on 10/7 is actually really stupid. Even if you ignore the fact that there were 60 years of many different decisions and policies in between Israel's founding and Hamas taking over Gaza, you obscure the fact that not establishing Israel in 1948 would probably have led to a worse outcome for the founders' descendants. Without the State of Israel, the Yishuv's Jews would probably have been pushed into the sea. They may have all been slaughtered by the Arabs. So it's possible that their descendants who were massacred on 10/7 would never have been born in the first place! In contrast, Hamas has done literally nothing since 2006 to actually improve the lives of Palestinians. Hamas has only made everything worse for them. That’s especially true of the 10/7 attack.

At first you denied that Hamas started the war with Israel. Now you change your argument to claim that "the issue" didn't start on 10/7. The history of the Israeli-Arab conflict proves how disingenuous you are. I'm sure you've heard of the 6 Day War. That started on 6/6/67. That war started on that date even though Israel and all the Arab countries bordering it had officially been at war since 1948. Regardless of how long Israel has been in conflict with Hamas in Gaza, a new war started between Hamas and Israel on 10/7. Hamas started that war. This war and "the issue" are 2 different things. And what do you think you accomplish by pointing out that "the issue" started before 10/7? It looks like you're just trying to excuse the Hamas attack, which would make it that much more disingenuous for you to complain about Gazan civilians being killed in this war.
