MovieChat Forums > BeaSouth

BeaSouth (2841)

MovieChat Contributor


Happy Mother’s Day to All The Gals of MovieChat Cringeworthy Message Even for 1987 Surprised this is the First Comment on this Great Movie Pros and Cons & Strange Use of Alec Baldwin Justin Salinger and Ta-Nehisi Coates So Much Missed Potential Bridge Collapse in Baltimore - Mass Casualty Event A Story that Needed to Be Told Accused of Plagiarism Quirky But Watchable Heist Movie View all posts >


I just watched it again on an airplane. They could have edited 20 minutes without impacting the story. I noticed people I thought were extras suddenly having lines. The scene where the three prostitutes were directed to “see what he knows.” One of them had like 6 lines in Russian for no reason. The prolonged scene with the Somali actor from Captain Phillips where he ran some radiation test on the wooden toy horse seemed like it was there just to be charitable and give the guy some acting work. So, I respect your reaction. I’ve always thought you to make arguments based in fact but you’re untethered from reality here. I’m not suggesting it matters to you but, the post undermines your entire thread and more broadly, your reputation for credibility. At this point, Bennymuso has acquired at least enough personal info from a dozen or so people to answer those automated security questions for changing website passwords. I think this is a really good observation. I’m just wondering what competent person will ever work with him if he gets a second term. He burned so many bridges during and after his first. I can’t dispute your perception the movie was boring because that’s your personal perception. But the fact that you know two people who fell asleep at the theater is not proof. I could just as easily claim that all your acquaintances have undiagnosed sleep disorders and cite as proof the two who fell asleep in public place where everyone else was awake. Difficult to think of a worse take on all of MovieChat. Or maybe they just hadn’t slept well the night before I’m just kidding. You’re a great dude Nice Job! (Except for the posts where you mocked me) I thought weed smokers were supposed to be chill and agreeable but I’m reading a lot of rage and cussing in this thread View all replies >