MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Favorite Directors?

Favorite Directors?

Vittorio De Sica
John Cassavetes
Luchino Visconti
Ingmar Bergman
John Huston
Robert Bresson
Elia Kazan
Aki Kaurismaki
Ken Loach
Mike Leigh
Robert Altman
Sidney Lumet
Frank Capra
Akira Kurosawa


My favourites:

Alfred Hitchcock
Martin Scorsese
Steven Spielberg
Stanley Kubrick
Ingmar Bergman
Woody Allen
Quentin Tarantino
Wes Anderson
Christopher Nolan
David Fincher


Hitchcock has some good ones.. Good editing. No "fat"

I like "Annie Hall", and "Zelig" was just on TCM.. Might re-watch it. It's a mockumentary. Half-good, half-silly.


Annie Hall is one of my all time favourites. I really enjoyed Zelig.


He had a good run from 76-80. Annie Hall, Interiors, Manhattan, Zelig but when I checked out a movie I thought I'd like, I thought it was awful. Going back to the 1920s



Martin Scorsese
Stanley Kubrick
Paul Verhoeven
Joel and Ethan Coen
Quentin Tarantino
John Carpenter
Brian De Palma
John Woo
Sam Raimi
Abel Ferrara
Peter Jackson
William Lustig
Lucio Fulci


Clint Eastwood
Martin Scorsese
Alfred Hitchcock
Sergio Leone
Stanley Kubrick
Frank Darabont
Joel & Ethan Coen


Sergio Leone
Alfred Hitchcock
John Woo
Johnnie To
John Carpenter
Walter Hill
Steven Speilberg


I like Mel Gibson a lot.
Apocalypto, Braveheart, Hacksaw Ridge…The man can direct very good action pictures.
It’s a shame he trips over his big mouth, what an incredibly talented dummy.
