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Trump supporter Stew Peters calls for 'Dictatorial kingship'

Say hello to our next Attorney General, ladies and gentlemen...or the next John Wilkes Booth.


Stew Peters, a far-right supporter of former President Donald Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist with hundreds of thousands of followers, said on social media Monday that America should abandon democracy.

"I am in favor of the installation of a monarchy," Peters posted. "A dictatorial kingship that will reintroduce normalcy, Christian values and the RULE OF LAW. A system that will indict, try and FRY convicted war criminals and pedophiles. A power that will secure the borders of our country, and consider AMERICA FIRST in every decision that it faces. This is the way."

Trump faced backlash late last year when he publicly quipped he would be a dictator on "day one" if re-elected to the White House.

In recent weeks, many of his supporters have suggested they might not accept the 2024 presidential election results if Trump loses.

Peters followed up later with another post. "Elections are fake," he wrote. "The idea of a two-party constitutional republic is fake. Congress is fake. Our entire system of government has been an illusion for the American people to believe they live under some sort of 'democracy'. It’s ALL FAKE. There is no political solution for the current state of affairs in this country. You are not going to vote your way out of a tyrannical overtaking. We don’t need any more political candidates. What this country needs is another William Wallace."

Peters, a former Minnesota-based rapper and bounty hunter who is followed on social media by a number of Republican lawmakers, has become known for his conspiracy theory-laden rants.

He was behind the movies, "Died Suddenly," which claims the COVID vaccine has triggered mass deaths, and a sequel called "Final Days" which states COVID itself was a bioweapon made to reprogram humanity for Satanic purposes. He has promoted a string of antisemitic conspiracy theories and even the idea that the Earth is flat.

He has also called for violent reprisals against those he opposes.

Last September, he reportedly called for the execution of President Joe Biden's son Hunter at ReAwaken America, a far-right Christian nationalist rally held by Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

The following month, he said on a stream that Catholic charity workers who help migrants with their asylum requests should be shot.


I like the way you qoute this unknown guy, then talk about Trump before going back to talking about that guy, implying a connection while not actually SAYING anything that could be easily debunked.

Very sly. Completely dishonest, but sly.


You support Dictator Trump reign of tyranny.


I made a point about how the OP is dishonest.

You replied to my post, but did not address my point.

Why is that? The obvious answer is that you don't like my point, but you can't think of anything to say against it, other than spewing... unsupported nonsense like a child. A very small and ill mannered child.


"Stew Peters is a Florida-based antisemitic conspiracy theorist, radio show host and self-proclaimed “Christian nationalist.” He also regularly promotes anti-LGBTQ+ and white supremacist beliefs on his show and social media, and he has engaged in Holocaust denial. A notorious purveyor of COVID-19 and anti-vaccine-related misinformation and conspiracy theories..."

OP is accurate. Peters is only supporting what Trump already said.


Trump has nothing to do with this guy. That is the dishonesty I was referring to.

As you know. But you were playing stupid so you could just continue to spam your neg talking points.


Again with the Jewish supremacist ADL? Oy vey!


Those are the same convictions he had before Trump.

They share some of the same beliefs.


They certainly do!


It's good to share beliefs opposing child murder, mutilation, and grooming.

You should try it some time.




Stew is referring to the swamp’s version of Democracy which is currently a fascistic and totalitarian dictatorship. He’s right. His quotes about our current system and the establishment are also correct.

Other than another propaganda hit piece trying to twist and distort the truth and facts, I don’t see an issue with Stew.


This is an absolute clownish interpretation of what this guy said. He openly called for a monarchy.

Can you tell me how the USA, right now is currently totalitarian? What media has been shut down?


A better question would be, 'what media has been captured by the regime?'


That still wouldn't make it a totalitarian regime even if all your assumptions were true. There's plenty of independent media in the USA, on the left and the right.


Or proxy censored by the regime.


I'll await evidence of this. There's plenty of independent right and left media in the USA that openly criticises the government and has done for years.


If you're unaware of the amount of government coercion on media and Big Tech during Covid, you're beyond help.

And what about the efforts of American intelligence agencies to lie about Hunter Biden's laptop just prior to the 2020 election? This doesn't work if we have a media that's not incestuously tied to the ruling class and is simply waiting for the cover story that will allow them to do the regime's bidding. My word, just look at the constant rotating door between major media and the upper levels of our government. They all play for the same team.

Your mistake is in approaching this subject from the viewpoint of the past century, where authoritarian governments would openly supress opposition news outlets. The world has changed dramatically since then. Today, the government is the media and the media is the government, a double headed hydra with only one brain. As for opposition voices, they're forced to participate in a public square that is controlled by Tech companies that gate keep for the ruling class. For example, watch John Campbell's covid-related videos and see how much he has to censor himself in order to avoid being kicked off Youtube. Sure, he can go to a smaller video-hosting site, but he'll never get the exposure and views that he would on Youtube. The censorship is far more subtle and insidious than a pack of brown shirts smashing up a printing press.


They have also censored J6, the 2020 election, Ukraine/Russia war and anti-Jew comments.


By "censoring" "anti-Jew comments" do you mean websites banning people for inciting racial and religious hatred against Jews?

How has J6 been censored, specifically?

There are plenty of pro-Russian, or anti-NATO/Ukraine left and right publications that people read. Fox News themselves would certainly be somewhere in the middle there.


You don't watch Fox News, do you?


Fox News is broadly critical of USA support for Ukraine. Not sure why I should answer shit from you though when you refuse to answer any questions from me.


Fox is controlled by Jews like all the other legacy media. Fox is controlled opposition.


Baseless completely unevidenced allegation.


So you don't watch it, I see. But you're still comfortable opining on its content.

What you've just written is baseless, completely unevidenced allegation.


Fox News openly attacks Biden all the time in his handling of Ukraine. Why is this?


Fox News openly attacks Biden all the time in his handling of Ukraine. Why is this?

Controlled Opposition.


No reason to believe this at all. Just more baseless claims by the forums most consistent bullshitter.


What you've posted are examples of partisan complaints about the Biden prosecution of the Ukraine war -- not support for Russia, which is what you implied above. I am, unfortunately, exposed to Fox News far more than you are and I say with certainty that while they may quibble with the particulars, they are in the main on board with the regime's support for the Ukraine.


Right, but Biden is being criticised. And I didn't say specifically that Fox News supports Russia (although a number of its pundits have erred close to that) but that they do criticise Biden. Why do they do this? I thought the media never ever criticises him ever.


Cite the claim, "the media never ever criticizes him ever."


So what is it that Biden should be criticised for, specifically, that he is not? You admit here that he gets criticism. And he gets a fair amount (from both the left and right). You spoke of the Hunter Biden laptop stuff even though I did a search for articles within that period and found dozens talking about it, both international and US media publications.


You are astoundingly dense. The point was that the intelligence community ran interference for the laptop, lying that it had "all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation", a claim that the great bulk of the media accepted at face value. To the extent that they talked about it, it was to claim that it "couldn't be verified" and was "so obviously a Russian plot."

The one outlet that broke the story, The New York Post, had its Twitter account suspended...for breaking a 100% truthful story.


>You are astoundingly dense. The point was that the intelligence community ran interference for the laptop, lying that it had "all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation", a claim that the great bulk of the media accepted at face value. To the extent that they talked about it, it was to claim that it "couldn't be verified" and was "so obviously a Russian plot."

Right, and they were not censored by force. You speak as if contemporary censorship is this, but it isn't. Autocratic states such as Russia, Belarus, China still do shut down independent media and drive out opposition from the country. The USA does not do this. It doesn't even approach doing this. And there were plenty of outlets that ran critical pieces on it, as I have shown you. And Twitters own restrictions actually backfired, as another article contained within noted to you. Fox News was also reporting on it aplenty at the time. A pretty influential news org.


And yet there are still anti-vaxxers with influence, watched all over the place.

>And what about the efforts of American intelligence agencies to lie about Hunter Biden's laptop just prior to the 2020 election? This doesn't work if we have a media that's not incestuously tied to the ruling class and is simply waiting for the cover story that will allow them to do the regime's bidding. My word, just look at the constant rotating door between major media and the upper levels of our government. They all play for the same team.

News articles regarding Hunter Biden and the laptop in the lead-up to the election:

And I won't take lectures on authoritarianism from a fascist who wants to slaughter most politicians.


Too busy scratching out your watch lists to take your meds?


News articles regarding Hunter Biden and the laptop

It was denied, rejected or censored.


What was? I noted many articles from the time period of the 2020 election.


He openly called for a monarchy.

Bullshite, and even if that was true, than you shouldn’t criticize it considering that you live in a monarchy.


"I am in favor of the installation of a monarchy," Peters posted. "A dictatorial kingship that will reintroduce normalcy, Christian values and the RULE OF LAW. A system that will indict, try and FRY convicted war criminals and pedophiles. A power that will secure the borders of our country, and consider AMERICA FIRST in every decision that it faces. This is the way."


How more explicit does it need to be?

And what does the fact that I live under a constitutional monarchy have to do with anything?


That was hyperbole, sarcasm and parody.

A perfect example of leftoids twisting and distorting someone's words.


>That was hyperbole, sarcasm and parody.

No reason whatsoever to believe this.


Trump faced backlash late last year when he publicly quipped he would be a dictator on "day one" if re-elected to the White House."

How is this any different than what Biden did or even Obama on Day 1 of their Presidency in signing one executive order after another and "Dictating" the direction of how they feel the Country should be heading?? 🤔 And so what if Trump stated he'd be a Dictator on Day 1 if that meant getting this Country back on course including closing the Border with the swipe of the Gold Pen until a suitable Immigration plan can be implemented?? Trump's not saying he doesn't want people to come into the U.S, just do it legally.. We need borders, we need a Wall and if you want to come into the U.S to make a better life?? Then use the door is all we ask?? 🤔
