MovieChat Forums > Politics > The left/liberals will destroy America

The left/liberals will destroy America

It's already happening. They only care about their themselves and nobody else. They love to feel on top of the world.


The left have been destroying the USA (and the entire Western world) since the late 1960s.


Interesting that you consider the Civil rights era the destruction of the USA. I suppose for some it was.


I said LATE 1960s, 1968-1970. Civil Rights was 1964 which was early 1960s.


The Civil rights ACT was passed in 1964. The period commonly referred to as the civil rights ERA was the early 50's to late 60's!


The destruction I was referring to was the hippie movement which was late 1960s to early 1970s.


What's wrong with the hippy movement? Love, sex, drugs? What's not to love? Even had some great music from that era as well. Woodstock?


Yes the Civil Rights Movement, Feminism and the Hippies. A triple whammy.


I wouldn't give the Hippies too much credit. They just got in the way of everyone, while pretending to want to get out of everything.




wow what a vague post...


Vague is the truth of Republicans, the more vague the more they suck it up.


yaa affordable education and the guaranteed right to healthcare. my country is destroyed. all so the rich can buy their 3rd mega yacht. or 4th house. those poor billionaires paying a lower tax rate than me.

gotta make sure to simp to the wealthy (who you will never truly join) while punching down at the poor.

the true republican way


Lies, lies and more lies.


sooo the mega rich aren't buying extravagant things? many other democracies more left than the US don't have affordable education? every single first world country (besides the us) doesn't have some form of universal healthcare?

you need literal help. your mental state is so far gone you deny objective reality for your partisan narrative


Is there anyone or anything you’re not jealous of?


so again. no actual argument. in typical cowardcraig fashion.

make vague non specific statements. change the subject.

seems like no republicans have any brains on here. and cowardCraig is the most pathetic of them.


I must've really triggered something in you, handy dandy nickname and everything!

No, I do not believe the taxpayer should foot the bill for the education and healthcare of losers like you who don't have the constitution to make their own way in life. Get off MC and get a fuckin' job already. Get outta your momma's basement.


the nickname suits you perfectly

haha so defund elementary and high schools too?

we should also stop funding roads, damn free loaders using them! ohh and get rid of police. only communities wealthy enough and the elite should be able to afford private security forces. damn losers can't make their own way in life and have to rely on the "gubernment funded police"

conservatives. the intellectual dull wits of political science


I will give you credit for one thing, your ability to twist an argument to fit your narrative. That's why people like me never really truly engage with you, it is fruitless. Without this narrative, fed to you because you are easily manipulated, you are nothing. Nothing but a listless loser in mom's basement.


its not twisting an argument. im using already socially funded things, and asking why those are different? try engaging your brain cowardcraig. oh wait you are a coward and can't. you have yet to every provide an argument of back up your assertions

you whine and cry every comment and play the victim


You are beyond lost. You may see the light some day but I doubt it.


And we're wasting our time engaging with these lost fools and false intellectuals. They're just Kool Aid drinkers who believe the lies they've been fed.


Typical. When presented with facts, you run away. What a pathetic life you live.


Let me know when the facts come. Liberals don't deal in facts.


All those billionaires you talk about are all Democrat party megadonors. You do know Leo DiCaprio himself, the ultra left socialite greeny weenie kingpin, own an enormous Yacht as well right? I mean, it's common knowledge, and a known hypocrisy of his global warming views. And you named yourself after him, and blame republicans. You don't even know why you believe what you believe.


NOooo no they aren't. wow republicans live in an alternative reality. both parties are captured/owned y these wealthy people, but to suggest they only support democrats is made-up nonsense.

great so tax him as well! notice how I didn't say "rich republicans".

I want them all to pay their fair share, not just the republicans. see i'm not a partisan parrot like yourself. What don't I understand about my beliefs? please go ahead ask your profound questions. The pathetic and cringe attempt to sound more intelligent than you are is really sad.

I can perfectly explain why I think that obscenely low taxes and loopholes for the rich are bad while Americans don't even get basic services that allow society as a whole to improve. its not about equality of outcomes, its about equity of opportunity to have that chance to build a business and become a millionaire.

you do know the US is far behind other countries in social mobility right? meaning the American dream is made-up. the rich have solidified their position and have burned the bridges behind them.


Oblivioid is obviously oblivious


Thank you for your input Bloody Anus


My god you are a moron. What would be the point of arguing with you? All of the wealthiest people in the world are donors to the D party. Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, Soros. You have no grasp on reality, you should check yourself in to the nearest loony bin.


lookup party donations. both are about equally corrupt. each tends to have certain industries donating to one party over the other. but there certainly isn't a massive unbalance,.

yes look at Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, Soros! amazing how tis true only if you ignore all the extremely rich republican donors.

conservatives are truly dull witted. "ill just say the examples that back me up and ignore the other ones! then its true!


> conservatives are truly dull witted



Congratulations, the top 1% already pay DOUBLE their "fair share" in taxes. Now you can move on. Your entire premise here is based on lies, which is cool, because you are the biggest liar on MC. That and making excuses for being a born again loser.


except they do not. the tax burden has been shifted from them to the middle class and others.

amazing how billionaires are paying a lower effective tax rate than their 40k dollar earning sectaries in many cases.


That is a lie, at least according to the IRS. Prove it. If there is a trick to getting out of paying taxes legally, I'd love to know what it is.


for the 10th time you don't seem to understand burdens of proof.

did you fail high school or never attend it?


Set aside the agenda and look it up. I'm not doing your legwork for you.


burden of proof. look it up.

come on craigcuck. show you are at least at a grade 10 level of understanding how arguments and evidence works.

16 year olds are more knowledgable than you. it is truly astounding.


They're IRS numbers, fucktard. I probably paid more in taxes last year than you'll ever make in your pathetic life.


The Democrat controlled border is killing the country

The Democrat canceling of the keystone oil pipeline hurts the country

Defund the police, no cash bail, sanctuary cities create more crime

Democrat Radical spending and printing of money causes inflation

Allowing boys to compete against girls disrupts the enitre sports world

Trying to close Guantanamo bay and free all terrorist...yes that's bad..

So I would say it's crystal clear that every Democrat policy will harm the country.

Whats even scarier, Democrats cannot name single Democrat policy that helps the country.


The Democrat controlled border is killing the country


The Democrat canceling of the keystone oil pipeline hurts the country

No it doesn't. We've had this conversation before.. you just too dense.

Defund the police, no cash bail, sanctuary cities create more crime

No-one wants to get rid of police.

Democrat Radical spending and printing of money causes inflation

This inflation was going to happen regardless. It's world wide

Allowing boys to compete against girls disrupts the enitre sports world

I don't really disagree here. It is unfair to women

Trying to close Guantanamo bay and free all terrorist...yes that's bad..

Hmmmm who let the Taliban out of jail???

So I would say it's crystal clear that every Democrat policy will harm the country.

That's just like your opinion, man...


The Democrat open border policy is bad because of statistics. Right now more Chinese created fentanyl is being pushed across the border killing literally a record number of Americans. We don't want Americans to die.

There is a thing called limited resources. Jobs, food, space in schools. Obama's open border affected the schools system so much, schools had to bring in trailer park classrooms to park in fields to deal with the over flow.

The open border policy is a direct link to the rise of gangs like ms13.
Every illegal alien currently in jail for harming an American citizen could have been prevented. Americans are dying from murder to car accidents from people never supposed to be there.

Regardless of the pipeline, under trump the country was a historic first time exporter and self reliant oil refiner. Not dependent on Russia oil.
Democrats are dependent on Russian oil. Making Russia richer.

You say people dont want more police, well that's not happening.
The police have their hands tied by Democrat policy. The police are told to stand down during riots under Democrat leadership.
Many sub divisions and under cover divisions were cut recently.
And yes police departments were given less funds. Democrats tell store owners to allow theft and to not pursue the thief's. Add the no cash bail Democrat policy. The criminals are emboldened. Crime is way up. When you vote Democrat you should know you are voting on a softer on crime policy.
Prosecutors refusing to charge for certain crimes.
All a web of Democrat insanity causing the demise of great cities.


Wow, a word salad of more lies and mis-information.

Let's start with the oil shall we? It was under Obama we became a first time NET exporter (we've been doing that for years) and we've never been self reliant. Mainly because of the type of crude needed to produce all of the different products that come from oil. Democrats dependent on Russian Oil? Hah. Just more fear mongering, which is all you can do.

Next open borders. Every President from Reagan on has done nothing to secure our borders. At least Obama and Biden didn't raid funds illegally to try and build a unworkable wall. And those trailer parks classrooms? Local policies did that Skippy where Conservatives refused to fund schools because, well, schools are locally funded. But that doesn't fit your false narrative.

About the only thing you have half right (and that is being extremely generous) is the policy policy but even that is only half correct. Again, you only push talking points but then that is all you are good for.

Luckily, people like you are vocal minority. And all hot air. Just a web of Republican insanity that no one belives except insane trump supporters.


Every president has done nothing at the border?
The numbers speak for themselves.
Democrat controlled border right now is producing record drug trafficking, leading to record overdose deaths of Americans. Record numbers if illegal crossings.

The trailer park classrooms had nothing to do with funding. There was a abnormal massive influx of young people and there was not enough physical space.

They used colleges, but the only way was to bring in the trailers. These schools and communities just had no space.

The wall is working perfectly
But remain in Mexico was cheap and extremely effective. Democrats got rid of that because they are promoting a soft border.


there's so much nonsense its hard to begin. enjoy your ignorance


Can you point out one aspect you consider nonsense?


Guantanamo bay. the closure was related to the illegality of it. holding sham trials and putting people there indefinitely often on flimsy evidence. its issues include Violations of international law at Guantánamo include illegal and indefinite detention, torture, inhumane conditions, unfair trials (military commissions), and many more. basically a black hole for US enemies. hardly democratic and not legal. SO how does it make us the good guys again?

the idea wasn't to just "release all the terrorists". it was to send them back to the countries to receive a normal trial. However as I said often the evidence was so weak they likely would have had a hard time proving it.

so what do you have when you have a country flagrantly ignoring the rule of law, imprisoning enemies with no real trial and using it as a black site.

im glad you support anti democratic horrible acts but the rest of us actually like democracy and the constitution.

but please go ahead and justify illegal imprisonment ill wait!


Not true...those terrorist are facing a military court. They can be held without charge for a long time.

And before they were apprehended leaflets were dropped from planes explaining for all men to exit the city or if caught they would be treated as enemy combatants.

How nice of America to warn about these Invasions. They were given ample time to leave. And because of their choice not to, they were apprehended on a battlefield.

Obama worked very hard to free these terrorist. And when he was constantly denied. He went around the rules and freed them anyway when he did the Bergdahl trade. Those 4 terrorist Osama released, 2 went back to fight the war against Americans.


lol so just find loopholes and its okay and totally fine!

"And before they were apprehended leaflets were dropped from planes explaining for all men to exit the city or if caught they would be treated as enemy combatants. "

for every single prisoner there this is the case? wtf are you saying. this is objectively untrue.

when facts are inconvenient, just manufacture nonsense! good job


They were caught during a war, they are enemy combatants. Military court. That's a loop hole?

They were caught after given warning to leave. Cant get any dumber

No not all, most were already released. The ones flown to cuba were mostly higher level guys. The ones Osama traded, one had a high military status.

Its very scary you consider that non sense.

Because when normal people hear Democrats are trying to close terror camps and free terrorist , they are disgusted.
But it totally fits the Democrat l, backward, no common sense bleeding heart liberal stance.


"They were caught after given warning to leave. Cant get any dumber "

the people were caught various ways. in various places in various theatres of war.

you making up the leaflets were dropped to all of them is hilarious!

keep lying! it becomes true if you just believe it hard enough!


Pamphlets were dropped days ahead.
Radio messages were sent.
The other side spread the word.
Everyone knew what time and place and choose to stay.

It's that type of Democrat battle tactics that allow the enemy time to set traps.


in every single case of every single prisoner there this happened? no they weren't.

you are making shit up out of nowhere.

the occupants there were caught in various countries, in various war zones, under various circumstances.



here's the list! start going through them! make sure to prove the quote to me saying "pamphlets were dropped and the detainee refused to stop fighting"


No wonder China imprisons the wiggers.


ill take that as your concession on Guantanamo Bay and that you are wrong. thanks for that!


you are a sad little person justifying war crimes. good job.

damn gotta make sure all those high level people receive a sham trial. when most are likely innocent

its akin to Iran taking Americans, some combatants, some innocent. and torturing them, using solitary confinement and breaking other international laws in their imprisonment.

youd be okay with that right? thats great right? as long as the Iran military court eventually years from now holds a sham trial?

I just need you to write it down clearly. something like "I am okay with the Iranian military taking us citizens into custody, many without evidence or without trial or evidence, torturing them and detaining them for years"

go ahead


Iran does that to it's own citzens.


Yes and I detest them. thank you for admitting its a gross action.

and the US shouldn't be doing it either.

oh wait you rent man enough to do that. you stick to your script


Says the Trump slave.


Permissive Leftist values have been responsible for all the major social problems America has faced in the last 50 years. Drug abuse, broken families, STDs, crime, violence... All these and more are the direct result of the Liberal "If it feels good, do it" ethos that began in the 1960s.


Just another ridiculous statement from people who have no business even opening their mouths.


Snepts = Just another brainwashed and faithful "Useful Idiot".


They only care about "their themselves" and nobody else?

With grammar like that, you must be on the right.


Oops lol, Honest mistake about the grammer. I have no idea why I put "their".

I am from Texas. I lean a bit more Conservative than Liberal. I honestly don't know if some of the stuff mentioned is 100% true from liberal side like increasing inflation (already increased from Covid). All I know for sure is that Biden is hardly doing a great job at this point in time.


The way I see it, it is what it is. Both this president and the last are responsible for Covid stimulus, adding to inflation. But seeing as inflation is a worldwide problem, the Covid stimulus most likely isn't the main driver of that inflation. It's looking like a result of things returning to normal after a global pandemic, and doesn't really matter who is president.

Also take into consideration that none of Biden's partisan legislation passed. Only the bipartisan stuff did. It doesn't make sense to blame the current state of the economy on left-wing ideology, unless you are condemning moderates for thinking the way the left does, which would mean its not really left-wing ideology any more, but rather the new middle or near middle.
