Natabre's Replies

Hey!!! I found it!!! It's called Iga ninpôchô (Death of a Ninja, 1982)!!!! Thank you so much, your suggestions have helped brought me closer and closer until finally I found it!!! :) I can't believe it, omg, lol. It's been FOREVER since I've seen it, now I shall watch it tonight, thank you! And the first scene I described, it's around 22 minutes in. The second (ending) is...darker and shorter than I remember. Edit: I'm also writing the name down in my journal, so I won't forget it ever again! :P I checked all the movies Ching Siu-tung directed, no luck. Witch from Nepal is not it, too. It's from like medieval times, it's not from like late 1800s to now. We're a step closer, though! His movies are similar to the movie I saw. I watched some of his movies briefly, mainly just the ending since it's easier to find out right away to see if it's the right one. Hello again. I looked at both, they are not the one I'm looking for. :( I'm so sorry, and yeah, you're right! It's tougher than I thought, because I looked at the list too. All 122 movies, I've noticed a pattern among most of them which doesn't fit with the one I'm looking for. Like the production budget seemed to be much more expensive for that movie. Like actual landscapes, no visual of "production" rooms like you can see the painted walls, none of that. The witch's head flying around movie is creepy as hell, but sounds like it would be fun to watch, haha! And also, on that list you sent me, I highly recommend watching "Duel to the Death" 1983, one of the best I've seen! Wow, you've been doing some work! Thank you, I appreciate it! For both movies you've mentioned: "Bak fat moh lui zyun" ("The Bride with White Hair") 1993 - That's not it, kinda similar, though. "Tian long ba bu" (1977) - While I absolutely love the movies directed by Chang Cheh and/or distributed by Shaw Brothers, such as Crippled Avengers, Five Elements Ninjas, Kid With The Golden Arm etc., but that's not it...unfortunately. I will look at the list of Wuxia movies you've sent me, that list looks like I'd be very likely to find the movie! I'll let you know later today. I thought she looked quite familiar and was excited! I looked through her filmography, but...nothing. That movie that I was looking for is not on it. The movies that she's been in do look very similar, though! Thank you. Maybe you have more like her that I can look up, please if so! Also, someone did answer this, but it was over 10 years ago on IMDB, so the posts have been deleted since then and I can't go back to it...sadly!