Tempuser123's Replies

What does being awake have to do with anything? Only $300 dollars? Well that explains ALOT I concur, boobs is the reason she gets acting roles I hope he does Nah, they have been railed long and hard Who? It was just over 5 billion in the 80s I can tell you are a nut cause you use "x" and not twitter Again with the turbo cancer, you have been reading too much hentai Turbo cancer? Are you 7? It's wonderful isn't it? Haha, gotcha jk90us you say that like it is a bad thing. ;-) Long hair looks so much better then short hair on women No problem dude. Pay it forward Sir, i believe you need a new keyboard this one appears to have a stuck caps lock key. Just wanted to let you know this fact in case you didn't happen to notice the stuck caps lock key. https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/12/15/every-single-redheaded-comic-book-character-that-has-been-race-swapped/ Unless im mistaken Dec 15th 2020 wasn't yesterday. Try again sir Sure you are, and im the king of siam I agree, women should have long hair