BoysDontCry's Replies

I came here for laughs but it's just really sad. Don't you people get bored with that? No nutritional value whatsoever. It's just sugary fluff. Gurl, don't even get me started on little Jack Horner. Whaaa???? C Thomas Howell isn't even asian!! I think Northern Exposure was airing at the same time. Lame man's version of twin peaks. Depends. Did Canadians invent ham? Or did they just rename it Canadian bacon? Oops. Designer dog breeds! I really like beets. I agree 100%. Your answer is golden. Unfortunately, this isn't the standard society sets. Society tells you that you are supposed to get married, have kids, and successfully support your family. Society also tells you if it doesn't work out you can get divorced. Society tells you if you are unable to make things work that you can pay off your mistakes (aka children) with child support. No one is held responsible for raising the children they've decided to bring into this world. So now what? Is the solution to keep getting married, having kids, and hoping for the best? Speak responsibly? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Please elaborate. Your question is too vague. What would you like to know andyking? I'll tell you what I think. The documentary on Attica. It broke my heart and I was balling by the end of it, but it speaks very loudly of the society we live in. Everything I think. It often gets me in trouble. This is terrible advice. Your assumptions about me are wrong, and if people are offended by my opinions then that would be their problem, not mine. To only converse with people that agree with me would be futile. I would learn nothing and neither would they. Discussion and debate with others is a great way to learn and grow. If you are an American then you should be ashamed of yourself. Healthy debate is what our country and constitution was founded on. My advice to you is don't be so quick to generalize and categorize people. We are all free-thinking individuals. No I don't diet but I quit smoking marijuana and that seemed to work. The ending of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Brad Pitt's reaction to the angry intruders was flawless. Having his dog help handle the situation was fantastic, and Leo Dicaprio considering his options and deciding on a flame thrower to char the angry bitch in the pool was priceless. Great answer, great movie. The guy's a nutcase but at the same time, I can relate to the things that piss him off about society. I'm not going to pull out an uzi, but I can't say it wasn't satisfying watching it happen in a movie. For example, if a man writes in all caps is that the same connotations as a man that drives a big truck? I'm new.