curiousMInd101's Replies

πŸ‘‰πŸ’œβ˜ΊοΈ Apparently not. Otherwise it would have a bigger audience. Today I'm watching The Negotiator (1998) I'm going through Kevin Spacey's IMDB and looking for movies I've missed through out the years. That <i>is</i> their feeling about the series. The series has colored women that feel out of place. They don't belong in these roles. The Star Wars audience is primarily older White males and this series alienates them. They don't think this series feels like Star Wars. To them it simply looks like an artificially created show for the purposes of DEI. And they don't like it. This is a perfectly valid opinion. This show wasn't made for the fans, it was made for a "modern audience". And so fans are not watching it. What's worse, the targeted audience of non-binary women of color doesn't seem all that interested in it either. This is why it's a failure. That's too bad. I actually liked DEI Barbie. She has some good takes when she's speaking about economic issues. She was also great in the Bernie campaign. Contemporary movies just don't speak to people. Whether it's wokeness or bad writing or terrible characters, I don't know. But they suck. I remember reading a post somewhere where a mom was talking to her teenage daughter about movies. The teen girl said that movies suck and kids are not interested in them. The mom tried to explain to the teen how great movies used to be, but the kid wasn't having any of it. Then the mom sat her down and showed her some movies from the 80's and 90's. The teen girl was shocked and said: <i>That was amazing. Why don't they make movies like these anymore?</i> Clown porn? Where did the clown touch you? Black with white pinstripes. You're really missing out. Aside from the humor you missed many cultural milestones. Royal Crown Cola I used to love Welch's grape pop when I was a kid, but I don't see it in the grocery store anymore. You people? What do you mean <i>You people</i>? I'm a White supremacist, so yes, I see race. Ok. Now you have to post pictures in funny outfits. It's too late to take it back. You said it and now I need to see. Bonus points if you include a cute animal in the picture. That's secondary. If you want to know why people hate it then you read reviews. If you want to know that they hate it, you just look at the score. The score only tells you how they feel about it, not why they feel the way they do. Even if it was a rule violation, Kowalski should be exempt. He is too valuable to this forum. He should get a pass. Different <i>strokes</i> for different folks. Mine is long and hard (to re<b>Member</b>) Once again you haven't answered my questions and you failed to produce any credible evidence for your claims. You're just repeating the same nonsense over and over. You're simply not a serious person. You're incapable of having a serious conversation, you're out of your depth. All you've demonstrated with your nonsensical posts is that you are a pest. Like a bloodsucking mosquito. A creature that not even God can love. As long as you enjoy yourself when you play. Don't play to often though, you might wear it out. You don't want to do that. Wrong. They are valuable regardless of the intention behind giving a negative review. Since all the score measures is whether people like it. If only 26% of the people like it then 74% of the people don't like it. You can't argue with this fact. It doesn't matter if they don't like it because they hate Star Wars or they hate black people or they don't like Carry Ann Moss for some reason. It just doesn't matter. The fact still stands, 74% don't like it. And so if your goal is to make something that appeals to a broad audience then you failed.