NigerGolden's Replies

I thought they did a good job of demonstrating John to be a knowing hypocrite, like when he gets bad news from the radiologist and immediately fantisizes someone in a trap. I also like the part where he throws away his schematic on the rack when he thinks he is in remission. Up until this point I didn't know if he was deluded or if the tumor in his brain hurt his sense of reality. I think he is very clearly a villain and hypocrite and I take the part with the kid to show that he is arbitrary. He arbitrarily likes the kid here but not the teenager or the young daughter. I do agree about the Cube 1 type ending that was cheesy and I'm not sure if that was an attempt at irony. Yeah I thought the final set up was especially contrived and it almost put me off. I really enjoyed everything through Valentina's test so I wasn't soured by the Act 3 twist I didn't like the third act with Parker's arrival. I thought that he was in on it, I mean even the cabbie was in on it. There's no way they let two marks in the same room to compare notes. The walking out to white reminded me of the first Cube That could be cool Right. If so it would be cooler if she escaped as opposed to being let go She didn't play her "intended" game (the bloodboard) and by his rules that he told all of them when he greeted them that meant she would be trapped there forever. It's not that they lack the will to live when they run out of time at the last second. It's more like Jigsaw is betting against their survival and is setting up an unfair over-under. At least that's how I see it, a low-key way of showing he doesn't mean what he says about every subject's survival I liked Leprechaun Returns. I liked the meta humor and some of the call backs. I thought Deb's portrayal made sense given that he had successfully gone 10 years without killing. I can't picture Dexter as a character making it that long without killing if Deb had been understanding and told him to move on. Michael Jackson was right. You are not alone. Sears character was only good for sucking up all the oxygen during his limited time shown. You make an interesting point about the boy and his father which I agree with. Mailing the money back to the surviving families might have worked better and could also have been cinematic like a montage of money bags landing on doorsteps but may have gone too far in rewriting John as some kind of hero. I like the ending as is since I never saw Kramer as fair or just and him giving all or some of the money to the kid shows that even evil has standards and that Kramer has a soft spot for young children. If you want a real obvious mistake you got one deadite with an eyeball in its trachea and another missing its throat chanting "dead by dawn" loud as hell. Hire someone to kill them to be extra safe just in case it has any lingering attachment with a previous host like how the It Follows Entity operates. Her power seemed more like a spider sense to me and besides she was much younger than the old-Lempke. Perhaps they can't use their magic when they have the fear response of being shot at and need to be calm to use it. His wife was obviously cheating on him for sure and that is why I think Billy wanted revenge because in retrospect her actions in the vehicle could have been to misdirect Billy shortly after beginning an affair with the doctor. "Steal this yourself." was funny to me. As a big fan of Nightmare on Elm Street 1 I enjoy the parallels with that film and the wrinkle that the mom and police do believe the child before it's too late. A horror movie would have to have very low ratings to make me skip it like less than 30% on RT and less than 5 on IMDB. Some movies I like with poor ratings are Thinner and The Day (2011) and A Cure for Wellness. The execution of a more or less normal horror script is something that is underrated these days.