MovieChat Forums > Justagirl90

Justagirl90 (21)



There’s a jump scare in that one that gets me every single time, lol… great film! Was that the one where she works in a radio station? This speaks volumes about you. You are clearly some seriously deranged weirdo. Get help. Breaking news!! You’ve secured your ticket to hell!! I like your idea, but here’s what I would do. A lot of the time, Cujo would lay up at the house watching the car. I would quietly open the door and just push my car a little with my foot. Even if it was just a couple of feet at a time. I’m sure she could have done this. I am female, 5’3”, 114lbs. I drive an Audi 3, and tried it and I could roll my car, so I’m sure she could have done it. I loved Cujo.. I love him! Halloween 3 tonight it is then!! I wanted that too, but also the kid. Poor Cujo! Cujolivesmatter! One of my favourites of all time! I honestly watch this like twice a month… Loving your caveman speak.. View all replies >