TurdFerguson's Replies

He's the only candidate who openly and vocally hates the same people who they hate. That's it. That's literally it. There's no deeper meaning to any of it, the average Trump supporter is just ignorant and bigoted, whether they realize it or not. In their tiny brains, his words justify their own bigotry. Just go watch Lady Ballers or something, you braindead troglodyte. The roots of all evil. Religion and money. You people are fucking pathetic. Hey, it's me from the future. The movie flopped. Oops, your racist theory was dead wrong. Who will you blame your racism on now, Cletus? We learned about it all from a textbook, just like your Gen X or Boomer ass. Don't act like you're some kind of hardened martyr who experienced the horrors of WW2 first-hand. And yet, here you are. But I guess it’s not a waste of time when YOU do it, right? Perhaps you should spend less time wasting your life online, and more time learning basic English skills. Yep! That’s why loser Donny is decaying in Florida, instead of holding office. Glad we cleared that up. Congratulations on finally seeing the truth. Please don’t reproduce. Covid was a thing here in Canada, and Hillary wasn’t even on the ballot up here. Weird. Or maybe there’s going on in the world than just what happens in your shithole country? Have fun losing again, weirdo! Try not to have a giant fucking crybaby terrorism event this time, please. Anything’s a red flag if you’re stupid enough. The mental gymnastics these delusional cultist morons must face just trying to navigate daily life must be exhausting. No, bigots won’t be happy. It has nothing to do with age. Not all old people are bigots like you. News flash, Adolph. Trans people exist.