hehethatwascool's Replies

> I got annoyed with the mother-son relationship I really liked that, the scene in the bedroom when she says "I never wanted to be your mother" is one of the most terrifying scenes in the movie. Interesting. I had a different experience, there are some really popular movies that cemented my opinion that it's not worth trying watching something twice if you didn't like it the first time. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) - it was so universally accepted and had such a high score, that I thought at first that maybe I'm watching the wrong movie or something. Few years later gave it another try and nothing has changed, later I understood that I don't like Wes Anderson's work at all. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - this movie was the reason why for the longest time I thought that Kubrick is overrated. Until I got to watch Barry Lyndon and Eyes Wide Shut, which I consider masterpieces. I sometimes think how many people got turned off by Odyssey and didn't bother exploring his other works, because it's considered his Magnum Opus and gets recommended so much. Countless Marvel movies about Iron Man, Thor and the the whole gang - desperately was trying to understand what people find in them, watched twice and gave up. So I guess it's different for everyone, but for myself I've learned that - It's not worth it rewatching a movie you didn't like - You didn't miss anything that would've changed your reaction - Ratings and popularity don't matter - People often shill wrong movies, doing a disservice to the director they're trying to praise It's kinda cool that you can find something in the movie that you didn't like initially, but the finality of my approach appeals to me, maybe I just hate self-doubt that much. Never would I have imagined that Pearl and Barbarian would have the same 7.0 rating on imdb. And I wanted to like Barbarian, since it was directed by one of the Whitest Kids U'Know, sketch group that I like a lot, but the movie went downhill fast after the monster was revealed. Either Pearl should be 8.0, or Barbarian should be 6.0, both of them being 7.0 makes no sense. Indeed. I was captivated by it from the start, was thinking about the movie every day for maybe a week after I watched it. And still I come back to it from time to time, that's why I'm writing this stupid reply. And never there was a time for me when I wasn't impressed with a movie from the get-go, but on the second watch I suddenly started appreciating it. It's usually just a bigger disappointment and feeling of a wasted time. So while I'm thinking that Pearl is great, just don't waste your time, trust your first impression. I would also add - Scene in the barn with "Why did you just go cold on me?" - Pearl begging to give her a second chance during the dance audition