MovieChat Forums > TGGFan

TGGFan (7)



You have a stick up your backside about everyone and everything. Step outside of your parents' basement once in a while. I understand it might be hard when you enjoy whittling your time away by trying to get a rise out of people on a movie forum.  The ignore function is a godsend. <blockquote>Five years ago, the MAGA crowd hated her guts, and viewed her as one of the dreaded “feminazis.” People like noted failed screenwriter Ben Shapiro even tried to roast her by claiming that Harry Potter is just a “crappy Lord of the Rings knockoff.” Hell, if you go back even further than that, Bible thumpers were previously trying to get her books banned because they believed they promoted witchcraft. Some of you guys sure are singing a different tune about her these days, aren’t you? </blockquote> It's no different from the mentally unbalanced lefties who now hate her because she said what any sane person is thinking. Feel free to continue your moral grandstanding. though. It's always funny to read. Another fantasist lost to CNN. How's Biden's presidency going? Let's see. - Highest gas prices in years - Surging inflation - Open borders during a pandemic - Destabilising the Middle East and then running off to a basement in Delaware (25 trips there in just 43 weeks) - Saddling the American people with trillions of dollars of additional debt - Return to energy dependence - Surging crime rates - Foreign policy failures - Goods shortages - Proposing tax cuts for the super-rich I love it when sheepish Biden supporters try to deflect. MuH TrUmP! Aww, someone needs a hug. <blockquote>Just as we didn’t ever ask for or need Donald Trump’s rambling stream of consciousness that he bestowed upon us via Twitter for years. </blockquote> I could say the same thing about the garbage Joe Biden (or his handlers who also wipe his drool) posts on Twitter. I remember in Oct 2020 when Biden tweeted that he wasn't going to shut down the country or the economy, and he was going to shut down the virus. How's that working out for you? No one asked anyone to use Twitter to post their opinions on the world. It's a convenient soapbox, nothing more. If you don't like what someone is posting, ignore it. <blockquote>I think sometimes people are more offended when a person who they disagree with politically or ideologically has their say though, which to me seems a tad hypocritical.</blockquote> Like you and Trump. He's banned from Twitter (although Elon said he would allow Trump back), but terrorists are allowed to post on there. If Trump incited violence during the so-called "insurrection", so did Kamala Harris during the BLM riots. The lefties seem a bit hot under the collar since Elon came into the picture. They don't like it now Twitter could become a level playing field. Their days of attempting to silence people like J.K. Rowling and Dan Bongino are nearly over. I love how you managed to shoehorn Trump into a discussion about breast milk. He lives in your head rent-free. Instead of deflecting, try sticking to the point! I know it's hard for sheepish Biden supporters at the moment. Any reason to act self-righteous, eh? You're not even an entertaining troll. You're just boring. You post the same schtick every time. View all replies >