WuchakTheBitch's Replies

<blockquote> Because, again, what he did was ILLEGAL</blockquote> If someone is convicted criminally insane, then he would have been legally not criminally guilty at the time of the crime. It doesn’t matter whether it was illegal, he was unable to discern right from wrong at the time, which means the doctors reinforcing to him that he’s guilty of killing his family is just incorrect. “It became unspeakable” - Salem’s Lot Is that what you call it when lotion and Kleenex are handy? She could have gotten an abortion, she just chose not to. Shaky camera work that looks like it was shot in someone’s backyard. Teal and Orange colour grading. Bad editing with no sense of continuity or geography. If you’re thinking of stuff like “Jersey Boys,” then it seems Corny now in hindsight. But doo-wop was one of the beginnings of rock n roll, and began among black American youths in inner-cities. In the early-50s it sounded dirty and subversive to a lot of young people. Groups like The Cadillacs or The Dominoes were a huge influence on a lot of soul and funk music of the 60s/70s. Doo-wop music is some of the greatest Both films are awful in the story department, but at least TPM has very nice cinematography, art/production/costume design, and casting. Everything <I>feels</i> connected to the OT, except set in the past. In fact, TPM is arguably the best looking film out of the prequel trilogy. Force Awakens just looks cheap in comparison, like the off-brand Chinese version of Star Wars. All their designs are just lifted from the OT, except worse. Maybe he should have been played by Morgan Freeman You know who had an arc? Noah <blockquote> Phil could've gone insane, and became a cannibal or something.</blockquote> How do you know he didn’t? He was stuck in the loop for 10,000 years, perhaps he really did rape or murder someone. Most likely Ned Ryerson. Lol, the UK’s largest trading partners are Euro countries. Good luck “shopping elsewhere.” You’re sounding about as straight as Tom Cruise right now Nah, in order of preference, the “general public” (as in young people unfamiliar with Star Wars) prefer ROTJ first, then the first film, with Empire last. For most people, Empire is the most “boringest” one simply because there isn’t that much action. ROTJ is the most audience friendly because of Ewoks and almost non-stop action. In short, ROTJ is a generic summer blockbuster. Randy was a better actor though. It’s probably the closest role to his real personality. Nah, my view boils down to reality. Tell me, where would anyone get their food once there’s no electricity to extract petroleum out of the ground? There’s also no way to preserve food without refrigeration, and most people don’t know how to cure or preserve it, let alone canning. People would have to go back to subsistence farming, which means one bad seasonal crop and millions will die from famine. Also say goodbye to most modern medicine; and hello to dying from easily preventable infectious diseases. Because there’s no easy way to manufacture and distribute things like vaccines and antibiotics without electricity. Not to mention the break down of rule of law as cities become engulfed in pure chaos with looting/mass rape and murder. I mean seriously, by any conservative estimate, at least 90% of the population will die off without electricity, with particularly high morbidity for children and old people. Jaden Smith is as good as toast, gee thanks good-guy Keanu-Klaatu. Like I said, one of the dumbest endings of all time. Anyway, I’m not trying to be stubborn, I’m just going by what would factually and logically occur, which tells me the filmmakers didn’t really think the ending through at all. Which is why the 1951 version remains leagues superior. Buddy you are already gay, or at least extremely in the closet. You imagining I was accusing you of being homosexual is the burning proof in your loins. Anyone who has to claim to not be gay, despite no one asking, is clearly uncomfortable with their sexuality or hiding from it. Come out already. I mean, you didn’t even hesitate to claim you weren’t gay, insecure much? Erm, a warp drive is certainly not proven to be <I>impossible.</i> It’s certainly not <I>feasible</i> with our current level of technology, but neither is it “magic” considering it doesn’t violate any laws of general relativity. You realize without electricity that there would be no way to transport food, the entire world economy would crumble, society would enter a new dark age. Sure some people would band together, but it would be reverting back to the Middle Ages, except worse due to massive famine and access to large amounts of weaponry. We would go back to a feudal society with bands of warlords traversing the land and raping/pillaging whatever they find. Not to mention all of the ecological disasters with nuclear meltdowns due to no one maintaining the power plants. It would literally be hell on earth. What I would have preferred is the filmmakers making an ending that actually made sense. I would honestly rather be dead than have to live in such an apocalyptic world where I face starvation, disease, or being murdered. The death swarm would have been a mercy killing, lol. That’s why the ending is hilariously bad, they play it off like it’s some sweet ending, but We are talking about billions dying off slowly and painfully. Good guy Keanu and his genocidal ways. Possibly one of the dumbest movie endings of all time.