GirlNamedSue's Replies

It was Barzini lol But for marriage? "The lessons of 1930 are lost apparently to partisan politics." Boy how true is this? Or maybe the dems are right and trump is really in putins pocket. Its one or the other. "Why does Jack propose to Lucy so fast?" Because Jack was deeply in love with Lucy and she had already announced to the world at her wedding to Peter than she was in love with Jack. Also she was much more Jack's type than Peter's type. They were perfect for each other and they knew it almost from the jump. Spot on. He tells everyone to keep their equity unless he want in and then he wants more than everyone else. I like when two stations have it so i can swap back and forth when there is an episode i don't like. Wow I had not thought of that!! Telly tried to cut it and burn the doll and it would not die, so mayb e burying it under rocks in the backyard might be the best way. I like the idea of buying a new replacement doll so poor Christie would not have any more trauma in her life. No. Well maybe a little, but not the problem with the movie. I think there is a lot more wrong with waterworld than the girls. Hopper was fun. "wouldn't raise the sea level one inch." Actually, it would raise it over 25 feet from where it is today. That actually happened during the last interglacial period which occurred about 100K years ago when the north pole was completely melted. Interestingly, during the last ice age which occurred about 20K years ago, the sea level was over 400 feet lower than where it is today. Seems like climate change (and sea level change) is a thing... It was ten years too late! Even Adam Sandler would have done a better job. Well i gotta say that any single man dating new people today should video any sex they have. Look h ow the Duke college rape accusations ruined mens lives. "unlivable for millions"? I have never met a rapist that I know of. I do not think I am in the minority. "But let's stop the silly tying of Hitler to U.S. politics. Until a U.S. politician invades another country as an expansionist move, or herds people into boxcars to exterminate them from the Earth, both sides should stop." you are always the voice of reason strntz on mc. Too bad more people don't take your exxamples. Right. This is a silly movie which is fun and not anywhere near realistic. He may not have been a WWII combat veteran but if he served anytime up to and until May 1952 he would be considered a WWII veteran. My grandfather was considered a WWII vet even though he was only 12 when the war started. She has no obligation to confirm that it it's her boyfriend and not a guy tricking her into thinking it was. If Betty had recoiled in horror that it was a guy she hated and not her boyfriend when the mask came off she Louis would hasve been screwed (pun intended). Yep. I see it. They do change. Continually. They always have and always will. You have to wrap your head around the sheer size of the galaxy. For instance, the nearest start to us is Proxima Centauri. To get there with current technology would take thousands of years, with a theoretical craft that could travel close to the speed of light, it would still take a human's lifetime. Remember, we are talking about the *nearest* star to ours. The galaxy is a big effing place. Well you never know these days!!