MovieChat Forums > AviAshkenazi2

AviAshkenazi2 (11)



I’m not familiar with Pop Smokes work but Hopkins sure is a friend of the black man. What about the Jews? Where is his support for Israel ? Where are his donations to the Jewish people ? Very Anti-Semantic of this goyim. He loves the Jewish film industry but never gives thanks back...! He`s Jewish, Jews have everyone's support. As I Zionist Israel comes first, now he need to step up and donate HUGE. Goyim Old man Joe did not mentioned Israel once in his speech. It should have come as something very natural to invite Israel in as his # 1 priority for the coming year. The Scandinavia affair was discussed in pre-production. However it was deemed anti-Semitic to include it. It was deemed as critic to the Mossad, Shin Bet & Israel and that was flat out ruled out. Israel Is free to do targeted assassinations without impunity. Around then Battleship came out it was clear that Michael Bay was looking up to Peter Berg in regards to style, editing and photography. I would even go as far as to state Michael Bay is a copycat. If you look at Bad Boys 2, Transformers, Benghazi and the Island all films are clearly inspired by Peter Bergs work. View all replies >