spacecomedy's Replies

A golden age & golden place. Ha! Reminded me of this great line from Shawshank Redemption... "Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit." Most homeowner's insurance policies don't cover sewer or water lines that run outside the house (know this from experience). But there is secondary insurance available for those lines. You lived in a city with 7 movie theaters within walking distance?! What magical place was this? The Postal Service - Give Up Lovely album. This sounds like one that would have been on USA's UP! ALL NIGHT with Rhonda Shear. "You have sleep AIDS" had me crying. Don Rickles would be proud! So...freedom of speech = bad? Well done, sir. Very well done. It's a free country (for now) so everyone is entitled to their opinion...even if it's terrible. But a real film connoisseur would have the good sense to preface such an opinion with something like...I know this is regarded a classic script by most people, but it's not my cup of tea. And as for why Verbal/Keyser talked to Agent Kujan, most viewers understand afterwards that it's the equivalent of a cat toying with a mouse. You're definitely an army of one when it comes to this classic. Guess the WGA got it wrong, too? Everyone is wrong, but you're right? Ha! The Academy would beg to differ. Best Original Screenplay (1995) Looks delicious. Are you thinking of The Gauntlet? Great gun crazy 70s action. It's a mega revenge film and QT loves those righteous revenge stories. That's where I got mine. Love the library! Atmosphere (like all the longish driving scenes)...and a yet another opportunity for QT to indulge in his foot fetish. I do genuinely appreciate the variety of streaming, but, yes, I don't feel like I'm as invested as I used to be when I was watching physical media. And I'm still nostalgic for those great theater experiences I had when I was a kid. Those movie experiences really do stand out in my memory. Ha! If this had been made in a different era I can totally see someone like Lee Marvin doing that. You're outta here buddy! I also loved checking movies out of the library when I was in college and later getting Netflix discs in the mail, but streaming has really changed things. When I was watching physical media I was definitely more invested in choosing it and giving it a chance to develop. That tends to be missing in the streaming era.