Artisan's Posts

Do you think Archie would be seen as a disappointment? ***Baker's Dozen: Threat of Nuclear War or Actual Nuclear War films*** (CLOSED) ***Baker's Dozen:Great Pairings in film*** (CLOSED) ***Baker's Dozen: Foreigners playing iconic roles/people from other countries*** (CLOSED) ***Baker's Dozen: Films about inventors*** (CLOSED) ***Baker's Dozen: Films about Corporate Greed*** (CLOSED) going for it.. just for fun ***Baker's Dozen: Men in drag*** (CLOSED) Snake Dance Scenes you do not understand the purpose of in films. ***Baker's Dozen: Movies about Farms/Farmers*** (Closed) Gotta laugh at what is "trending" on this site right now. Depressing vibe? Their accents. What's with people deleting established threads/posts? ***Baker's Dozen: Films about GREASERS*** (CLOSED) Chicken is ok but that doesn't mean anyone should vote for him. Was Peyton just a try hard/poseur? TV Shows you started watching long after they ended?