Cookie1's Replies

Thanks for the reply. It explains a lot about the tag and it all makes sense. Yes, I did notice at the end hes the first wanting to leave the situation. I watched the movie again the other day with subtitles and Knobby does say "This gigs getting tired". If not for the subtitles you barely hear him say that. Although I saw the movie many times, watching with subtitles made me realize there were other lines that were so quick I didn't notice haha. Same here. I was in HS when this came out. I like how Margo wears a blue flannel shirt -that was very popular in the 90s. I used to wear them. Then 2 songs from Bush are in this movie as well. (Love Gavin Rossdale still lol!) Yeah the way Davids friends looked and dressed , one of them had one of those wallets that had the chain hanging off the pants. Another had long hair and another was a drummer with somewhat messy hair. All these styles a girl in the 90s could find this attractive at the time because that was what was "in" then.