Heretic's Replies

I strongly disagree. The humor in this was awesome. It was quirky....sure....but awesome. Without the humor, it really wouldn't have stood apart as much as it did. Certainly. Which the Christians indeed preach. No, one man's shithole is another man's shithole. I mean it in the literal sense that they were shitting in a hole in the ground. The Palace in the bigger city is where I'd want to live. Not some poor, inept, dirt farming village that forces kids to work outside all day. Was it? It was a shithole with clay houses and the only way to reach it was several days by elephant. What do you think an "intifada" is? They were proclaiming it one. "Intifada is an Arabic word that literally means “shaking off”, and in the Palestinian context, it is understood to mean a civil uprising." That's not what he's talking about. "Under the presidential public funding program, eligible presidential candidates receive federal government funds to pay for the qualified expenses of their political campaigns in both the primary and general elections." Oh boy. Immigration is being used to prop up economic numbers in what can be called a Ponzi scheme. Basically, due to the birth rate collapsing, college being useless for a lot of graduates, and am aging population, politicians are propping up the economy by flooding us with immigrants. THis works in the short term, but overcrowding causes massive inflation and a severe reduction in wages for workers. To say nothing about the degradation of the culture. Record amounts of drugs flood our streets. Police shortage increasing. Doctors are increasingly harder to access. Our quality of life has been destroyed by evil men like Biden, bit by bit. My criticism has more to do with him being a war criminal, but I am indeed a Protestant. Islam is a religion and a culture. It is antithesis to women's rights by virtue of its teachings. Hi there. I have 7000 unique VHS tapes and own a VCR repair shop and a VHS online store. Okay, you're looking for the highest quality ever? Did you know that there are HD VHS tapes? Seriously. The difference in quality is insane. There's also S-VHS which aren't quite as good and are far more common. These both have an option to have coaxial output instead of RCA which further improves quality. Source? He's actually not one of mine. He prays to Mary since he's a Catholic which is an unforgivable sin in Protestantism. Even worse than all the wars he started. Since when can a collections agency see your bank transactions without a warrant? I actually do not and have criticized him dozens of times. However, you goose step behind the modern day Hitler. There's not a man alive who has been so instrumental in invading so many countries as Biden. History won't be kind to Biden and his acolytes. It matters not that one group commits war crime atrocities against another as long as they support The Party come election time. Sure they did. Biden is the most prolific war criminal alive and deserves to be taken before the Hague. Even though Trump is not the most moral person, he is a saint compared to the war criminal Biden. The date of the mosque "university" is also disputed by historians. Specifically, they claim it was built 200 years later and some people are only claiming it's 200 years older as that suspiciously would make it older than Christian universities like Oxford. There's also no empirical evidence that Fatima was even involved in founding the mosque as that didn't appear to be the legend until centuries later and appears to be used as a political tool more so than having in historicity. If it's not happening on minors, why would Biden object to laws preventing being done on minors? The Biden Bots haven't thought this one through. Then again, if they were capable of independent thinking, they wouldn't support the most objectively terrible President since at least The Reconstruction. Given that it was the majority of the Christian nation that wanted women's rights, that should be in favor of Christianity if you believe in women's rights. Notice, the backwards Muslims and some other religions still haven't stepped up like the Christians have on this issue.