YorkshireMedley's Replies

It's called catfishing. Person says they are 25 year old woman. Posts several pics of "themselves" over the years which indicate such. Goes on Tinychat and plays cam feeds in short clips of that person. Turns out person is really an old fat man, and has been stealing those pics and playing cam feeds through ManyCam. There's a user Gameboy who was in the Farrah Faucet fan club in the 70s. None of this makes any sense whatsoever, because you would not have to mail them your phone for it to be recorded, which would be a huge waste of time and resources. They could literally record it and then send it your phone electronically without your phone required to be there. Err... Or just pay for the ticket where you receive a special code that allows you to live stream it. Only those who paid for the code would be allowed to live stream it, which would expire after one use. Get Out 1. Clint Eastwood 2. Robert Redford 3. Kevin Costner 4. Warren Beatty 5. Kenneth Branagh 6. Ben Affleck The Terminator Child's Play Rouge and Sophie/LickSophieLick are both transgender/gender binary biological males. All info here: https://imdb3.freeforums.net/board/43/discussion-rale Only if they let me watch/hear every time. No, it's not empty. It's helpful. If I'm talking to a Tinder match, and we text for few days, then they start ghosting me, or they block me, and I don't know where things went wrong, I demand and require a reason from them. Am I ugly? I want to be told I'm ugly. Did I say something weird? I want to be told what I said that's weird. I want constructive criticism. At this point I've already given up on the person as a friend, but I will continue to annoy them online by constantly messaging them through various names and even resorting to blackmail if I have to until I get my answer. If I ghosted, I keep hounding them until they have to reply back. I don't allow that. And if they block me without giving me a reason, I'll go on another name and ask them why they blocked me. Usually it goes something like this: Them: Who's this?? Me: You just blocke me. Why'd you block me? I'd like the reason. Them: Dude, leave me alone. Then I have to go on yet another name. Them: This is?? Me: Let's try this again. Why'd you block me? I'm asking you the reason. This goes on a few times until they get the hint. I have hundreds of spare names on on my social media to deal with people who block me and ghost me. I annoy them uncontrollably. If someone blocks me, I demand a reason from them, or I don't allow it. People can only block me with my permission, I say. And ghosting isn't simply rude - I don't allow it. Congrats. My wife is at the emergency room right now; she passed out last night. I'm worried if she gets home, she'll give us Coronavirus. There were 60 people in the waiting room. Requiem for a Dream? Booksmart? She's still alive so far, here. She just stays in one spot and doesn't eat. I put a litter box next to her bed, but she gets confused, and still walks to where the one original is, at the opposite end of the house, and struggles so slowly to get there. Well, I'm a fan of a "good" profound movies that go on to be nominated for Academy Awards. I don't want to accidentally sit through a bad movie. If a movie looks interesting to me, I glance at the RT which just gives me a general idea if the movie is going to be watchable for me or not. Then there are movies people see solely because they're critically acclaimed, like Get Out for example. How many people would see Get Out in the theatre by chance, never seeing a single headline about it? Not many. It's not an action movie or comic book film or a sequel, so it's not going to draw people in that way. It's the positive buzz that draws people to see them. Parasite is a great example of this. If I see a movie by chance, and I think it's absolutely horrible, that's typically going to be reflective in the RT score. If I think it's a masterpiece, that's going to be reflective in the RT score. My opinions on movies are in correspondence with the RT score, generally speaking, so it's there to provide a general idea on what I can expect. Then, there are movies I anticipate months or years in because I really like the character, like Batman movies, or the upcoming Candyman, that I really want to be good; so when they come out, I glance at the RT score to see if it's a good one or not, and if it's over 75% I'm delighted. RT isn't a definitive answer to good vs bad movie, but it does give one a general idea. If a movie is under 25% you can almost be certain it's a bad film. I was originally going to say hook, mirror, bumblebees but that was a tad on the nose. Yeah! Mural, Bumblebees, low-income housing Parasite!! Haha Science Diet for Seniors.