yvesyves's Replies

looking forward to it as well , only thing is we have no way of knowing if it will be a real contest or a fixed one , such huge investment and marketing can you imagine if either one gets knocked out after 15 seconds ? the last Mayweather fights that i can recall didnt seem for real, more like entertainment with none of the fighters going it at it for real i recall the girl went to his hotel in the middle of the night , which adult in his/her right mind does that if not for sex? i also recall seeing interviews of her friends saying she was really into him. i am not a fan of his or anything, just common sense makes me doubt her; if he was a bus driver or factory worker i am pretty sure the girl wouldnt have sued him... no , two very different situations the columbian Yayo was warned by the black criminal that there was DEA watching. the Florida mafioso very arrogant and cocky was so proud that he had won over Travolta, with his ego and over confidence never would he have thought he could have been set up. love it too , great vibes , ocean , sun , bikinis , a rather touching love story you know what a movie is retard ??? you ve never watched serial killer or horror movies ??? agree , last 15 minutes are so typical and common with any action movie (lame in my opinion) , whereas the movie was very original and had a very particular vibe to it ; still a great movie in my book. i loved that sweet love making scene , pity it was so short so you mean Anette knew Sebastian was an arrogant playboy womanizer and she wanted to teach him a lesson by actually making him fall in love with her and then break up with him? Give him a taste of his own medicine , manipulate him and break his heart like he did to many girls?? no i dont like those actors , i just think he s bad at acting and always seems a bit retarded. Pitt, Clooney, Di Caprio, Ethan Hawke, etc... but of course they probably would have refused the role totally agree , Cena is a god damn good actor , he's really funny Gattaca was released in 1997 you gonna love Gattaca with Jude Law and Ethan Hawke They are the elite ; superior human beings ; they have to be the most classy all the time i love this movie on so many levels i recommended it to many friends , however in such an advanced world and secure company they dont have hundreds of security cameras? ( like the 9/11 "plane" crash on the Pentagone , lol ) what do you mean? when you live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere with 6 months of darkness and there is a very strong culture of ancestors, spritis of dead people, legends, ghosts, etc... if you hallucinate you probably won't see Mickey Mouse or crocodiles or the Eiffel Tower, you'll hallucinate about dead people you know and local legends ; just same as people in huge concrete towns L.A or N.Y probably would not hallucinate about things from deep Alaska or local eskimo culture probably also got on her knees to get that gig as i wrote in an other post i don't think there is actually anything supernatural happening: i don't think there are ghosts , they say the cyanide level is 11 times higher than the authorized level + the fact that they live in an environment and culture where spirits are so important, therefore the water or something gave them hallucinations of what they have been hearing about since forever; in such a town and such an atmosphere if you are going to hallucinate you are going to hallucinate about the local legends you've heard 1000 times or about your dead ones, probably not about something from Africa or Australia. Even if the women were curious what happened to Clark what could they have done? They done their deed then went off and didnt want to be caught, also may be they were curious but it simply wasnt shown on screen. Clark was probably fucked up on crazy cyanide level so whatever he did or not do , think or no think , cannot be made sense of, mad paranaoid junkie. i didnt like the characters but i enjoyed the ending which i did not expect at all i don't think there are ghosts , they say the cyanide level is 11 times higher than the authorized level + the fact that they live in an environment and culture where spirits are so important, therefore the water or something gave them hallucinations of what they have been hearing about since forever; in such a town and such an atmosphere if you are going to hallucinate you are going to hallucinate about the local legends you've heard 1000 times or about your dead ones, probably not about something from Africa or Australia. ha ha nice one , hilarious it just doesnt make sense that people like you talk about them without knowing anything about them since if they really exist according to you no one knows about them except themselves, so how would you know?