PetyrBaelish's Replies

You must not understand how the market works. Coronavirus outbreak in Asian shakes world markets and the media hypes in up even though there is little effect of it in the US. Has nothing to do with Trump. Bernie is an attractive candidate for those who are in financial trouble and need a handout and people who are lazy. The EIA must be a fairy tale too. Liberals and Greta in tears! Trump literally asked for 2.5 billion to combat the issue in the United States. Guess that went over your head. Bernie "Bread lines are a good thing" Sanders is an enemy of what everything America stands for. Independents and smart democrats (if there is such a thing) will not vote for a socialist. Trump will roll Bernie, that is why the DNC will not let him be their nominee. Mike Pence is the reason for HIV in Indiana? Wait...what? He is a loser, sitting around waiting for news that hurts American and giggles while he posts his usual crap on the forum. The only reason why the market is down is because of Coronavirus fears, which are being overblown because the issue is in check here in the country. Its sad that the left is rooting for a deadly virus to spread in the US to crash the market in hopes it damages Trump. Very Sad! Liberals are disgusting people. You don't say anything about the market when its doing well, but pop your unemployed, uneducated into threads about the stock market when its down due to factors that Trump can't control. If you had any money to invest, you would understand that the market being down is not a good thing, but you don't have any money and instead sit in your parents basement with glee.