MovieChat Forums > Taya9822

Taya9822 (236)


Best Picture at the Oscars 2020 is....PARSITE!!!! Best Actress Goes To.... Renee Zellweger joaquin phoenix rambling??? Best Actor Goes To....joaquin phoenix Wasn't Expecting That... Bong Joon-ho wins Best Director! What snack are you snacking on during the Oscars? Parasite WIN Best Foregin Film!!! View all posts >


I wanted 1917 to win but what are ya gonna do. I'd be mad if it was me and I had directed hi in a movie and I didn't even get a thank you at the Oscars. I mean damn at least give Todd Philips a freakin thank you for directing me in a movie where I just won an academy award. OMG Leto was the worst Joker LOL that's true. Hopefully they bring Batman in to make it a bit more DC-ish Ah I see what you mean. I think you'd like Gummy Drop it's a really fun game where you have to rebuild a country playing levels, winning tickets to get from one part of the country like London or New York and unlocking more countries along the way. I just made it to Rome before my tablet crapped out on me so I only use it now for reading He will now since he has an Oscar AND the film did so well at the Box Office. Pay someone enough money they'll do a sequel, trust me. Probably getting ready for Joker 2 lol Honestly I don't think he'll win another Oscar anytime soon because the Academy is like that. They're like okay you've gotten your honor so go off and make some more movies or not, you won't get any nominations for a while after that speech. I heard they were making a an American remake is that true? Agreed. Asians folks are very humbled and they wouldn't have given congrats to the other winners even if they hadn't won. View all replies >