StickyScruggs's Replies

Your village called. They miss their idiot. Did you get your brownies? So you think it was just a coincidence that "Friends," which copied "Living Single," did exactly double the amount of episodes? Yeah, okay! Says the racist. Funny you mentioned that, because Brian Austin Green and Tori Spelling were 18 years old during filming of the second season, and Douglas Emerson was 17. So the instrumental change was actually perfect timing, since it gave off more of a "softcore porn" kind of vibe than the first season's instrumental. Everything from the audio (adrenaline-pumping guitar riff) to the video (puffy smoke around cast members as their names appeared on-screen) just screamed, "Put your kids to bed." Therefore, Douglas Emerson being demoted to recurring cast member who won't be in the adult-themed opening credits, was a smart move as well. In hindsight, the producers might not have received a lot of flack for having a minor featured in the theme song, since it was so easy for celebrities to hide their age back in those pre-internet days. But, better safe than sorry.