MovieChat Forums > AndrewisaNonce

AndrewisaNonce (2)


The boy that plays Tony Costa is such a terrible actor View all posts >


I'm actually quite disappointed. I don't particularly like it when the main cast of a sequel (or remake) to a great movie is made to be substantially younger or prepubescent. Unless the movie calls for a kid specific, coming-of-age journey (like IT, Stand by Me, Stranger Things, etc.), I don't really care for it. The original Ghostbusters worked because it was about a bunch of 30-something year old nerds dealing with a rampant ghost problem; fighting with the local authorities and trying to improve PR and business; having a laugh with one another and hopelessly looking for love. The humour felt organic and the way they dealt with issues seemed more realistic (despite dealing with ghosts). The reason why the 2016 version failed wasn't because they were women, it was because none of the characters had any depth and the jokes were forced and lame. Nothing felt natural and there was no fun to be had. Still, I don't think Ghostbusters should be centred around kids learning about their family's history and figuring out the horrors/wonders of blah blah blah. We already have too many movies and shows following this trend. View all replies >