MovieChat Forums > goldenbear81

goldenbear81 (4)



You don't know why they used 1980-81 as a setting? It works a lot better for any crime film. NYC was much seedier, dirtier, and more dangerous. It would have been harder for the police to track a killer. Less security. Less awareness of mental health issues. The sudden budget cuts were more believable, ect. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding your statement? Id like to see the story cross over into a New Batman series. It wouldn't have to be a direct sequel. It could be a sort of sequel. Even if this wasn't the plan going in, a second joker would just be redundant and Jared Leto sucks in the role. If anyone has ever read DC comics, sometimes Vertigo characters cross over into regular DC comics (and vice versa) even though they don't inhabit the same world. Strictly speaking all of it. But I think parts are his take on what happened (i.e. shooting the 3 Wayne workers) and parts are totally made up (appearing on Murray's show the first time). I suspect it didn't happen. That scene was intentionally cartoonish and unrealistic because Arthur invented it (the shooting did though). How likely is it that 3 wall street employees pick a fight with an obviously mentally ill subway rider? Plus it was his second fight in what, two days? Maybe the first fight was a lie too. (his boss doesn't buy it). We believe Arthur because we see everything from his point of view, but should we? He made up scenarios that allowed him to kill which he enjoyed. I'd also bet be intentionally bought that gun. What's more likely, that he asked for it or that his coworker forced it on him? When Arthur's talking to his therapist and to Murray (in Joker makeup) he's at his most honest. He's depressed that people are oblivious to him, not that they victimize him He desperately wants to be someone. He craves attention. That's why Arthur/Joker doesn't call the shooting self defense. He's beyond caring at that point. Lying was a defense mechanism. Even if it was a delusion, the delusion was a defense mechanism. But now he is who he always wanted to be. Nothing can hurt him. View all replies >